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Equitas Health Art For Life Event

By Charlotte Robinson, September 22, 2016
Equitas Health’s Art for Life in Columbus Ohio is a biennial party for a cause & art auction that helps raise awareness & funding for HIV/AIDS medical care, prevention, education, testing & advocacy services at Equitas Health. The event that takes place at the Columbus Museum of Art on Saturday September 24th from 5P to Midnight is not only a celebration of the arts community & Equitas Health’s life-saving work but also a celebration of life & the artists who enrich it. In partnership with Pizzuti Collection & the Columbus Museum of Art, this year's auction will feature 85 pieces of artwork from local artists as well as national artists with an Ohio connection. The majority of funds raised will benefit Equitas Health’s life-saving medical & social services, with a portion benefitting the Pizzuti Collection’s education programs. Featured artists included in the silent auction are Carrie Moyer an artist & writer based in Brooklyn, NY who with photographer Sue Schaffner co-founded one of the first lesbian public art projects, “Dyke Action Machine!” which was active in New York City between 1991-2008. Also included is Michael Guinane who moved moved to Columbus in 1996 from Milwaukee, Wisconsin to attend the Columbus College of Art & Design. Michael continues to live & work in Columbus, showing in galleries, public venues doing privately commissioned works that are shown throughout the country while also teaching. You can vote for your favorite art piece to receive the Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson Community Award, named after the life-long artist whose art reflects the Near Eastside neighborhood in Columbus where she grew up.
For Tix & Info: artforlife.arcohio.org
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