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Florida Gun Violence Prevention

By Charlotte Robinson, September 23, 2016
Equality Florida has made a significant policy announcement to formally endorse common sense gun violence prevention policies in response to the hate-fueled attack in Orlando this past June targeting our LGBTQ community at Pulse nightclub’s Latin night. Last June a gunman opened fire at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando & bullets from the shooter’s military-style assault weapon struck 102 people, leaving 49 dead, 53 injured & hundreds traumatized. The LGBTQ & Latin communities were targeted in a hate-fueled rampage that is now the deadliest modern-day mass shooting & the largest attack on LGBTQ people in America in history. Equality Florida will partner with gun safety advocates & other allies to combat epidemic of gun violence. In addition to Equality Florida’s top priority of passing a statewide anti-discrimination law for LGBTQ Floridians, the organization will seek to expand background checks to cover all gun purchases & to limit access to military-style assault weapons & high-capacity magazines. More than 20 percent of hate crimes reported nationally in 2014 targeted people based on their sexual orientation or gender identity, according to the most recent FBI statistics. Hate crimes in general are on the decline & yet hate crimes against LGBTQ people are rising. In the same way that Equality Florida has adopted policy positions that promote racial equity & reproductive justice they now pledge publicly to advocate for common sense gun violence prevention measures to stop the rising tide of violence against our LGBT community.
For More Info: eqfl.org
Listen: Nadine Smith Talks Disarming Hate After Orlando Massacre
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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