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Free Hillary Clinton

By Charlotte Robinson, September 06, 2016
In two months the 2016 presidential election will take place. The polls are showing Hillary leading in most surveys with Trump too close for comfort trailing by digits. The Trump campaign has been successful at keeping Hillary on the defensive & this needs to end. Clinton has to stop talking about Trump & address the issues facing our country. Her political team is making major errors by producing political ads that show more about Trump’s inability to lead than her capabilities. When Clinton talks one on one she shines & that’s what we need to see more of. We all have witnessed how foolish & dangerous Trump can act so let’s not succumb to his level & rise above. Let’s focus on ways that we can support Hillary to let her know that she is not alone & we are behind her every inch of the way. This is America & we can’t start going backwards with a Trump presidency after all the work that has been accomplished over the last fifty years to achieve equality in this country. Let’s keep America going forward & reach the dreams that we’ve been dreaming instead of making the error of allowing a small-minded ruthless man the chance to create an embarrassing nightmare that will have global consequences for generations to come.
For More Info: hillaryclinton.com
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1 comment:

Marilyn Rosen said...

BRAVO! Enough of the ineffective ads about Trump....It's about Hillary and her credentials and good humor and charm when she let's herself shine through.

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