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Global Human Rights In 2018

By Charlotte Robinson, January 02, 2018
It’s hard moving forward in America at the moment when it comes to human rights because we’re dealing with an administration in this country that continues to show no empathy towards its citizens yet continually praises its failing political corporate agenda. If you’re a minority in this country 2017 showed us the worse of mankind ending with the #MeToo campaign that has now morphed into 'Time's Up'. However, all of this is just part of the worldwide dilemma of heading into another year trying to reach full equality & human rights for all people. Last week on OUTTAKE VOICES™ we asked best-selling author Joie Lamar about how she sees our LGBTQ community moving forward in this administration. Joie stated, “Well it’s two steps backward for every one step forward and even more under this administration & if you’re old enough to vote we need to get out there & vote with your heart & your head for what is right. I think we need to stay positive. We fight so much for our rights as LGBTQ people in the community but we need to fight for rights of people in general. This administration is very good at dividing & we need to find a unity & we need to keep saying we are human. I think we tend to say we’re lesbians & we want equal rights; we’re women & we want equal rights. You know what, we’re humans & we demand what we deserve as human beings. We have to keep saying that.” Get moving America. There’s just 300+ days until the midterm elections & the chance to get back on track.
LISTEN: Joie Lamar Talks New Book Honoring Pulse Nightclub 49
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


1 comment:

Marilyn Rosen said...

We have to stay vigilant and actively work toward turning the Congress over to the Democrats to move us back to a workable middle.

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