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Savannah Pride Mermaid Fest

By Charlotte Robinson, March 13, 2018
The organizers of Savannah Georgia’s annual LGBTQ Pride Festival will be presenting their first annual Mermaid Fest on Friday March 23rd to Saturday March 24th on Tybee Island, Georgia. Mermaid Fest is a 2-day long celebration of the surf, sand & sun in the Savannah-area. Rich Walczak, one of Mermaid Fest organizers stated, “Savannah Pride attracts people from all over the world for our annual Pride Festival during the Halloween weekend. Mermaid Fest is a chance to show that Savannah is a year-round LGBTQ destination where five miles of beaches are only 20 minutes away from an historic downtown. Highlighting Mermaid Fest will be an appearance by Blixunami the gay Geechie Merman one of the country’s most popular mermen, described as “the most beautiful person imaginable” by Metro UK & “as the most magical mermaid there is” by YouTube personality Davey Wavey. Savannah PRIDE made history this past year when it relocated its festival to downtown Savannah & made the event free to the public. Walcza concluded “Our goal was to have everybody celebrate the area’s diversity with us & it was a huge success. People of all backgrounds, colors, ages - from college kids with rainbow streaked hair to people living deep in the country to Southern conservatives – all joined in for a day of fun and friendship.” Events include live music, parties, club crawls, beach games, mermaids & of course, mermen.
For More Info: pridesavannah
LISTEN: Danielle Jablonski Talks ClexaCon Convention Las Vegas
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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