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Atlanta Rallies Against LGBT Hate

By Charlotte Robinson, March 01, 2018
Georgia Equality will be leading a rally March 1st at the Central Presbyterian Church across the street from the Georgia State Capitol, 201 Washington Street SW in Atlanta, GA kicking off at 1P. The event will feature state & national advocacy groups, faith leaders, members of the business & entertainment communities & LGBTQ families & allies who are united in their opposition to Georgia SB 375. This is the discriminatory legislation that passed the Georgia Senate last week which will allow taxpayer-funded adoption agencies to refuse service to kids who identify as LGBTQ as well as allowing taxpayer-funded agencies to turn away legally married gay & lesbian couples & LGBTQ people looking to foster or adopt. Jeff Graham, Georgia Equality’s Executive Director stated, “We’re incredibly energized by the support we’ve received in just the last few days from Georgians of all backgrounds who want to speak out against SB 375, the latest attempt to discriminate against LGBTQ people in our state. People are fired up – in particular because this bill singles out LGBTQ kids for harm. We’re looking forward to sending a message to lawmakers that citizens across our state want to talk about positive & proactive measures that bring us all together, not these same old types of bills designed to foster division.” The rally will include speakers from the ACLU of Georgia, Anti-Defamation League, Human Rights Campaign, Lambda Legal, Parents & Youth along with keynote speakers Jeff Graham, Executive Director of Georgia Equality & Daniel Newman, Georgia native & actor on “The Walking Dead”.
For More Info: georgiaequality.org
LISTEN: Richard Gray Talks Fort Lauderdale Greater Together
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


1 comment:

Marilyn Rosen said...

Bravo Georgia Equality...thank you for uniting to protect LGBT children's rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness in a safe and supportive environment.

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