The Trump administration is planning to erase the identities of approximately 2 million people in the country who are transgender according the U.S. Health & Human Services (HHS) memo that was leaked to the New York Times. HHS is proposing a legal definition of sex under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 to only define people by the sex they are born with. Darlene Stromstad Fenway Health Interim CEO stated, “If the changes to federal legal recognition of transgender people & protection from discrimination are made, there is no question that the health of transgender people will suffer. Politics should not supersede the findings of medical science, which has shown for decades that gender & sex are not always identical.” Shijuade Kadree, Chief Advocacy Officer of The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center added, “The Trump Administration’s efforts to disregard the existence of transgender, gender nonconforming & nonbinary people are fueled only by bigotry & intolerance; not science, medicine or law. Transgender people are our family, friends, neighbors & coworkers who unequivocally deserve self-determination, respect & fair treatment under the law. We will do everything in our power to defeat proposals like this one until we have secured full rights for every transgender, gender nonconforming & nonbinary person in our country.” Michael Adams SAGE CEO concluded, “This heartless attack is the latest in a string of efforts by this administration to erase & silence transgender people. As we have in the past, SAGE will vigorously fight this proposal until we succeed. We refuse to be invisible.” And in Massachusetts on November 6th please vote Yes on 3 to protect our transgender community.
For More Info: freedommassachusetts.org
LISTEN: Brynn Tannehill Talks New Transgender Handbook & More
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1 comment:
GLAAD has been tracking Roger Severino’s anti-trans crusade for years, and in his current role in the Department in Health and Human Services, he has been elevated to a place where he can harm all transgender Americans with impunity as he plans to do with this memo. The American people will see through the cynical cruelty of anti-LGBTQ activists in the Trump Administration, and vote our fundamental values come November.
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