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Another Disputed Judge Advances

By Charlotte Robinson, March 01, 2019
Since 2017 the Trump administration has been filing federal judicial seats with rightwing, hateful, biased candidates from lower courts to the Supreme Court. Now the Senate Judiciary Committee has voted to advance the nomination of Neomi Rao to the DC Circuit Court of Appeals to fill the seat vacated by Brett Kavanaugh. Paul Gordon People For the American Way Senior Legislative Counsel stated, “Neomi Rao is the perfect example of Republicans’ eagerness to support extreme & deeply flawed nominees in order to push their own ideology onto the federal courts. Neomi Rao has made clear in her writings & throughout her career that LGBTQ people, survivors of sexual assault & Americans looking to vindicate their civil rights shouldn’t expect fair treatment in her courtroom. But Republicans are willing to advance her nomination to a lifetime seat on the nation’s second most important court because they love her ideological zeal for attacking important public protections & safety standards. Anyone who cares about vindicating the rights of all Americans should oppose this nomination.” Vanita Gupta, President & CEO of The Leadership Conference on Civil & Human Rights concluded, “Neomi Rao’s past is her prologue. Her writings have demonstrated hostility towards sexual assault survivors, racial discrimination, climate change & LGBTQ people. She has implemented these extremist views in her current role as the Trump administration’s regulatory affairs department head & has systematically devastated public protections for sexual assault survivors, those facing discrimination, and the environment. Rao’s record shows she will not be a fair & impartial judge & senators must not fill the seat vacated by Brett Kavanaugh on the D.C. Circuit with another right-wing ideologue. Our country needs independent & fair-minded judges, not a partisan takeover of our courts to roll back our civil and human rights.”
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1 comment:

Marilyn Rosen said...

Your visual is a stunning statement of what horrors keep rolling out with this administration's choices in filling such lifelong significant positions of power.

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