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Exploiting Religion To Discriminate

By Charlotte Robinson, February 25, 2020
The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case about whether a city can enforce its anti-discrimination laws over the objection of a religious group. In the case Fulton v. City of Philadelphia a Catholic agency is protesting its removal from the city’s foster care system because it discriminates against gay & lesbian couples. A decision in favor of the adoption agency could establish a First Amendment right for businesses & government contractors to discriminate undermining the country’s civil rights laws. Winnie Stachelberg, Executive Vice President for External Affairs at the Center for American Progress stated, “We should celebrate every family in Philadelphia & across America who opens their hearts & home to a child. The city government should not be forced to allow discrimination against some families. Religious-based agencies that accept taxpayer funds must act in the best interests of the children in their care. Sexual orientation, gender identity, faith, or other characteristics unrelated to a prospective parent’s abilities to provide a safe home should not affect placement decisions. These agencies cannot be allowed to weaponize religious freedom in order to deprive children of welcoming homes and loving families.” Alphonso David HRC President concluded, “It is unconscionable to turn away prospective foster & adoptive families because they are LGBTQ, religious minorities or for any other reason unrelated to their capacity to love & care for children. Neither Philadelphia nor any other governmental entity should be forced to permit discrimination against loving families, especially at a time when half a million children around the country are in foster care...”
For More Info: hrc.org
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