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The Dems New Hampshire Aftermath

By Charlotte Robinson, February 12, 2020
Now we have six main Democratic Presidential Candidates all committed to move forward after the New Hampshire Primary. On the top level the frontrunners are Bernie Sanders who edged out Buttigieg with approximately 69,738 votes to Mayor Pete’s 65,956 to win New Hampshire as Klobuchar surges to third with 53,265 votes. A disappointing fourth place for Senator Elizabeth Warren’s 25,232 votes & Biden coming in fifth with 22,616 votes & Tom Steyer hanging on stating “I’m not dropping out. That’s ridiculous.” However Andrew Yang & Senator Michael Bennet have dropped out. So now the six frontrunners head to Nevada & South Carolina ending out the month as the race can still go any which way with billionaire Mike Blumberg spending big bucks on the sideline. All the candidates vow to defeat Trump with Amy Klobuchar stating "Hello, America, I'm Amy Klobuchar & I will beat Donald Trump." Now for myself living in Massachusetts I’m looking forward to Super Tuesday on March 3rd when Alabama, American Samoa (Caucus), Arkansas, California, Colorado, Dems Abroad, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont & Virginia have their primaries. Over the next few week these states will be ceased as the top candidates spend enormous amounts of money for campaign ads with some more effective than others. This is where Trump’s TV & media expertise will set a tone & it won’t be pretty. The best we all can do as voters is tune out the lies & vote. This is not the time for complacency on any level. Just remember as Hunter Thompson stated, “When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.”
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