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Boston Gay Men’s Chorus (VIDEO)

By Charlotte Robinson, April 14, 2020
The Boston Gay Men’s Chorus has created a fabulous audience experience with a virtual performance of “Everything Possible” by singer-songwriter Fred Small by using their smart phones & singing from their homes. The video is dedicated to all those who are impacted by COVID-19 including the health care providers & support staff who are caring for the sick & the dying as well as to the food service employees, child care providers, grocery store workers, delivery people, postal carriers, sanitation workers & other essential workers who are risking their own health & safety to ensure that we all have what we need to maintain our health during this deadly pandemic. Reuben M. Reynolds III BGMC Music Director stated, “We are in awe of those who are doing so much to keep us safe & healthy during this time. We are so grateful to the health care workers, janitors, childcare providers, grocery store employees & so many others who are still going to work to ensure our health & our safety. We wanted to find a way to give our thanks so we turned to what we do best, which is to sing.” Craig Coogan BGMC Executive Director concluded, “Like everyone else, we’re looking for creative ways to stay connected while we stay at home to stop the spread of the coronavirus. This was an incredibly moving project to work on & we hope it brings some measure of peace & comfort to those who watch it.” In Massachusetts we're standing third in the nation as we endure our peek weeks of COVID-19 with 26,867 cases, 4,316 recovered & 844 deaths from the coronavirus pandemic. WATCH VIDEO  
For More Info: bgmc.org
LISTEN: Filmmaker Nicole Conn Talks New Stunning Film
Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

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