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Boston Pride Fund Grants Announced

By Charlotte Robinson, April 16, 2020
Though Boston Pride has been postponed until June 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic they have announced the 39 awardees of the 2020 Boston Pride Community Fund grants in support of its mission to promote social justice for the LGBTQ community & beyond. Kristen Porter, Boston Pride Community Fund Chair stated, “The Boston Pride Community Fund recognizes the innovative & intersectional work happening at the community-based & grass roots levels. By remaining steadfast in our support of these efforts during this pandemic, we embrace what is possible for the future of the LGBTQ community & celebrate the positive impact these grassroots & nonprofit initiatives have.” For some groups the grant helps provide the critical resources needed to carry out their missions. Linda DeMarco, President of Boston Pride concluded, “As an organization, we have worked hard to help strengthen grassroots organizations that help serve our community. They are important now more than ever before, as we are in a public health emergency. These organizations contribute to the fabric of our community & represent the LGBTQ community from neighborhoods in Boston & beyond.” For organizations who applied for grants to use for 2020 events that are now cancelled or postponed due to the public health state of emergency Boston Pride has revised the terms of the award allowing the organizations to use the funds in whatever manner they determine is best for them and the people whom they serve. For 50 years Boston Pride produces events & activities to achieve inclusivity, equality, respect & awareness in Greater Boston & beyond fostering diversity, unity, visibility & dignity they educate, communicate & advocate by building & strengthening community connections.
For More Info: bostonpride.org
LISTEN: Filmmaker Nicole Conn Talks New Stunning Film
Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

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