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LGBTQ Virtual College Graduation Event

By Charlotte Robinson, May 14, 2020
Campus Pride in partnership with PFLAG National will host a virtual “Lavender Graduation” nationally for LGBTQ & ally graduates of the Class of 2020 to celebrate & honor their achievements on Saturday May 23rd 2020. This is a free live streaming event to celebrate LGBTQ+ graduates will begin airing at 3P ET / 12P PT at Campus Pride’s website & across Campus Pride & PFLAG’s social media channels. Shane Windmeyer, Executive Director of Campus Pride stated, “Everyone deserves to be recognized & to have the joy of graduating & this is one way virtually we can celebrate & honor these phenomenal LGBTQ & ally college students.” This is also the 25th anniversary of Lavender Graduation first organized at University of Michigan by Ronni Sanlo a pioneer of campus organizing for LGBTQ people within higher education. Since 1995 Lavender Graduations have been a commencement tradition for LGBTQ & ally college students & is included in many universities across the United States. Sanlo will be a featured speaker along with LGBTQ & ally graduates & notable leaders & celebrities to be announced. Since 2001 Campus Pride has been the leading national organization building future LGBTQ & ally leaders as well as creating safer communities at colleges & universities. The Campus Pride Index annually helps 80,000 people find LGBTQ-inclusive colleges & universities. PFLAG with over 400 chapters & 200,000 members & supporters crossing multiple generations of families in major urban centers, small cities & rural areas across America is committed to creating a world where diversity is celebrated & all people are respected, valued & affirmed.
For More Info: campuspride.org
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