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Queering Racial Justice Virtual Event

By Charlotte Robinson, October 04, 2020

The National LGBTQ Task Force & Creating Change will hold a day-long virtual event exploring how Queer/Trans People of Color (QTPOC) activism is leading the resistance to state sanctioned violence on October 10th from 12P EST to 6:30P EST. The day will include a plenary, speakers, skills building sessions & discussion of community organizing strategies for collective liberation. The event will be moderated by Kierra Johnson, Task Force Deputy Executive Director with Candi Brings Plenty, ACLU of South Dakota, Dominique Morgan, Executive Director, Black & Pink & Monserrat Padilla, Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network. Kierra Johnson stated, “The National LGBTQ Task Force is honored to convene this day for community discussion, planning & organizing focusing on the violence we face as queer people of color. The national reckoning we are witnessing & the uprising of people of color & allies against state sanctioned violence, police brutality & institutional racism must include Queer people of color in the conversation & the work. As we move into a national election season, the on-going disproportionate impact of the pandemic & economic crisis on communities of color & the continued epidemic of violence against trans people of color, in particular trans women, it is vital we come together to discuss, organize & support each other in the work ahead.” Discussions & panels will include Resisting/No More State Sanctioned Violence, White Queer Colonizers, Organizing Towards Queer Racial Justice, Decolonizing Gender, What are You Fighting For?, Organizing from the Street to the Legislature & Growing from Movement to Movement. Tickets are Student/Independent: $10, Organizer: $50, Change Agent: $100, Movement Builder: $250 but no one will be turned away for lack of funds.      For More Info & Tix: thetaskforce.org

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