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Dr. Levine Historic Nomination (AUDIO)

By Charlotte Robinson, January 19, 2021

Dr. Rachel Levine has been nominated by President-elect Joe Biden to be assistant secretary for health in the department of Health & Human Services that will make her the first openly transgender federal official once confirmed by the Senate. Rea Carey Executive Director of the National LGBTQ Task Force stated, “Dr. Levine is imminently qualified to serve as assistant secretary at Health & Human Services. Her work in Pennsylvania was exemplary & impactful to the health of all Pennsylvanians. When the National LGBTQ Task Force praised the nomination of Pete Buttigieg as Transportation Secretary, we said it should the ’the first of many firsts,’& this is exactly what we meant. The appointment of more diverse LGBTQ people at all level of the administration is imperative & that includes trans & non-binary people & people of color. We are thrilled that Dr. Levine has been nominated, especially at HHS, where the LGBTQ community has been under serious attack by the outgoing administration. She has served Pennsylvania well & when the Senate confirms her, she will serve the country well, attending to the health needs of all Americans.” Last week I was on a press conference call held by the Center for American Progress with Dr. Rachel Levine, Secretary of Health, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania discussing a new CAP report outlining how the Biden administration can & should address the health needs of our LGBTQ community especially after four years of neglect & abuse by the outgoing Trump administration. The Center for American Progress is a nonpartisan research & educational institute dedicated to promoting a strong, just & free America that ensures opportunity for all. Winnie Stachelberg, Executive Vice President, External Affairs, Center for American Progress intros Dr. Levine. LISTEN

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