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Trump Attempts To Kill Our Democracy

By Charlotte Robinson, January 07, 2021

Unless this assault on our country is quickly resolved we will be subjected to more attacks by this desperate madman who is still being permitted to walk freely with access to all our country’s intelligence including nuclear power within his grasp. Watching his militia storm the US Capitol was a painful wake-up call that probably barely scratches the surface of the depth of his corruption. This is the time to remember that, “Nothing is so bad it can’t get worse” & remove 45 from his position of power. Rea Carey, Executive Director of the National LGBTQ Task Force stated, “Donald Trump has been, continues to be & will remain a threat to democracy, the U.S. Constitution & human life every day he remains in office. While his attempted coup has failed, he & his supporters are a threat to democracy & will be as long as he is in power. The National LGBTQ Task Force & National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund calls for the immediate removal of Donald Trump under the 25th Amendment. Even if today were January 19th, the time left in Trump’s term would be too long. If Donald Trump were to stay in office for a mere 24 hours it would be too long & too risky. If Trump is able to make one more call to the Acting Secretary of Defense, it would be one call too many. If Trump is able to push through one more regulation, it would be one too many… We condemn the violence in Washington, DC & in communities across the country that has been incited by today’s attack on the Capitol building. We are better than this. To move forward we must begin by making the strongest statement possible & remove Trump from office using the power of the 25th amendment.”

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