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LGBTQ Equity & Inclusion In Our Schools

By Charlotte Robinson, January 27, 2021

The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation’s educational arm & the National Education Association (NEA) hosted a virtual chat focused on how to advance LGBTQ inclusion in schools, how to ensure Black & Brown LGBTQ students are supported in the classroom & the impact of COVID-19 on education. The conversation also addressed education priorities in the Biden-Harris Administration. Alphonso David HRC President stated, “Prior to COVID-19, the health experiences of LGBTQ young people were already compromised. We’re talking about high rates of bullying, high rates of harassment at school & the subsequent struggle with mental health that results from the bias and from the discrimination. For some students, the distanced learning experience… may be a reprieve from bullying at school or for those who may be terrified of being outed. But it was also probably less ideal for students who have non-affirming parents or family members & for whom the school provided some solace. … We clearly need to do a better job in creating safe, welcoming schools across the country.” Becky Pringle NEA President concluded, “We know that as we talk about those multiple identities that our students & educators bring to the education system, to our classrooms, that we need to first recognize them and we need to honor them. We need to respect them & we need to talk about that rich tapestry that those multiple identities bring to creating that culture of care, that culture of inclusion & acceptance, that culture of an environment that builds on the diversity that our students bring to our classrooms & our workspaces.” 

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