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Boston Pride New Advisory Committee

By Charlotte Robinson, April 16, 2021

Boston Pride has named seven members to their the new Transformation Advisory Committee (TAC) that will advise the organization during the ongoing transformation process to ensure that its vision, mission & values are in alignment & in the best interest of the LGBTQ+ community. One of the primary responsibilities of the TAC is to oversee the recruitment of new Boston Pride board members to ensure that the board is reflective of the diversity of the LGBTQ+ community & to ensure that the board is inclusive of all people in the community. Linda DeMarco, President of Boston Pride stated, “This is an important step in our ongoing transformation process. We are looking forward to working with the Transformation Advisory Committee to help us build a better Pride. We continue to listen to members of the LGBTQ+ community, especially from Black, Brown, transgender people & others about making sure our work is inclusive to all. We have empowered the TAC to make recommendations for new Boston Pride board members & we look forward to implementing their suggestions. We thank them for their service to the community & we welcome others to join as well.” The TAC is comprised of members of the Greater Boston LGBTQ+ community including: Sheika Babin, Sam Chambers, Patty Haggerty, Shelita Hayes, Ed Hurley, Ryan Roy & Lee Santos Silva. Boston Pride produces events & activities to achieve inclusivity, equality, respect & awareness in Greater Boston & beyond. Fostering diversity, unity, equity, visibility & dignity they educate, communicate & advocate by building & strengthening community connections. For More Info…

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