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South Carolina Trans Student Athletes

By Charlotte Robinson, April 28, 2021

The South Carolina House Judiciary Committee has voted down H.4153 a bill that would prohibit transgender youth in middle & high school from participating in student athletics. This vote marks the third time nearly identical measures have been rejected in South Carolina’s 2021 legislative session. This vote marks another major step forward in the ongoing fight against anti-LGBTQ policies in South Carolina. SC United for Justice & Equality stated, “We are relieved & grateful that, once again, lawmakers have rejected their colleagues’ blatant attempts to discriminate against transgender student athletes. Today’s vote sends the message that H.4153 - just like its predecessor, H.3477 - & any other bill that discriminates against transgender people has no place in South Carolina. For months, transgender young people & the many South Carolinians who love them have been making their voices heard to oppose these discriminatory bills & we won’t stop until we have ensured a South Carolina where trans students are included, affirmed, & afforded the same opportunities as any other student. Every South Carolinian deserves an equal opportunity to thrive, no matter who they are & we will remain vigilant until that day comes.” SC United for Justice & Equality envisions a South Carolina where everyone can thrive with a focus on the lived & legal equality of LGBTQ people. The coalition advocates for the passage of legislation to protect LGBTQ community members & opposes anti-LGBTQ legislation. The coalition also works on intersecting issues of social justice, including racial justice, reproductive justice, voting rights & health care access. For More Info… 

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