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LGBTQ Victory In North Carolina

By Charlotte Robinson, August 10, 2021

The City Council of Charlotte, North Carolina has unanimously & with bipartisan support passed a nondiscrimination ordinance that protects its LGBTQ residents. This is a major turnaround since 2016 when the Council's nondiscrimination ordinance passed & triggered the North Carolina General Assembly to pass HB2 which at the time was the worst anti-LGBTQ bill in the country that specifically targeting transgender people. Allison Scott, Director of Impact & Innovation at the Campaign for Southern Equality stated, “Leaders across North Carolina – including our U.S. Senators from NC – should look at what’s happening in our state: Communities are taking a stand to protect LGBTQ people from discrimination, which leads to safer, more inclusive places to live, work & raise families. It’s time now to ensure that no LGBTQ North Carolinian is left vulnerable to discrimination & that will require action from elected officials at every level of government.” Daniel Valdez, President of Charlotte Pride concluded, “With the new protections passed tonight, Charlotte finally joins its peer cities in protecting LGBTQ residents & visitors to our city. Tonight’s vote is a strong sign that Charlotte has finally turned a page in our decades-long fight for equality in our city. We’re hopeful that Mecklenburg County & other area towns and cities will follow Charlotte’s example.” Charlotte is now the tenth community in North Carolina to pass a nondiscrimination ordinance like this joining Apex, Asheville, Buncombe County, Carrboro, Chapel Hill, Durham, Greensboro, Hillsborough & Orange County. Based in Asheville, NC the Campaign for Southern Equality promotes full LGBTQ equality across the South. 

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