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Pass Women's Health Protection Act

By Charlotte Robinson, May 11, 2022

The U.S. Senate has a chance to protect abortion access across the country by passing the Women's Health Protection Act today. After learning last week the U.S. Supreme Court appears be on the verge of overturning Roe v. Wade we need a federal law that protects the right to abortion in every state & the Women's Health Protection Act would do just that. Perhaps you’re not aware of this but the first country to pass abortion rights was Russia in 1920 under Lenin. It’s appalling that in 2022 in the “Land of the Free & Home of the Brave” we are dealing with a narrow minded Supreme Court bent on taking away our rights. If they get away with this our LGBTQ community most likely will be next. Access to abortion care is essential for social & economic equity, sexual freedom, reproductive autonomy & the right to determine our own lives. Without the protection of SCOTUS abortion access will be left up to the state & the right to an abortion will depend on who your governor is. The good old Republicans are doubling down on their coordinated attacks on reproductive freedom so they can ban abortion outright in states across the country. In 13 states already there are laws attempting to ban or severely restrict abortions immediately if Roe is overturned & a total of 26 states are certain or likely to ban abortion in the aftermath. Even though 8 in 10 Americans believe abortion should be legal our government is teetering on taking this giant step backwards. Please call your Senators to vote yes on the Women's Health Protection Act! Sign Here… 

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