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LGBTQ Palm Center Bids Farewell

By Charlotte Robinson, September 27, 2022

After 24 years of researching LGBTQ military service bans the Palm Center will shut its doors Friday September 30th leaving behind a legacy of inclusive policy for our LGBTQ Americans who serve or seek to serve their country in uniform. Dr. Aaron Belkin, Palm Center Founder & Director stated, “Creating & leading the Palm Center has been the pleasure, pride & honor of my life. We worked with brilliant & generous partners, allies, center staff, veterans & service members to show that facts matter, that discrimination undermines our country & that equality makes it better. I’ll be forever grateful for this opportunity to help make the world a little more just.” Admiral Mike Mullen added, “Few organizations figured out how to move the needle on military opinion so effectively as the Palm Center. Its research & policy guidance were invaluable in showing that inclusive service was not complicated & would not harm readiness. The Palm Center reframed the national conversation over LGBT military service, using facts & research to conclusively demonstrate that inclusion makes our armed forces & our country, stronger.” Admiral Al Steinman concluded, “Through its research & outreach the center demolished the idea that LGBT service members would diminish our nation's military readiness, helping pave the way for the repeal of ‘don't ask, don't tell’ & removing the transgender ban.” Though the Palm Center is shutting down day-to-day operations they’ve launched a new website that showcases its accomplishments as well as lessons learned about successful strategies for using research to inform public opinion & achieve social change. 

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