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Pope Decriminalizing Gay Relationships

By Charlotte Robinson, January 26, 2023

Pope Francis has called out for worldwide decriminalization of homosexuality which makes him the first Pope to ever take such a stance. Pope Francis stated, “Being homosexual is not a crime. It’s a human condition. It’s not a crime. Yes, but it’s a sin. Fine, but first let’s distinguish between a sin & a crime. It’s also a sin to lack charity with one another.” Before this tumbles down a new rabbit hole let’s reflect a bit. Though there has been great progress on our LGBTQ issues in this country & around the world the hatred of our LGBTQ community continues & one of the main reasons is that LGBTQ relationships still remain a sin in religious institutions. Sarah Kate Ellis, GLAAD President & CEO stated, “Pope Francis denounced laws in nearly 70 countries that criminalize LGBTQ people & called on the Roman Catholic Church to take an active role in repealing those laws. His historic statement should send a message to world leaders & millions of Catholics around the world: LGBTQ people deserve to live in a world without violence & condemnation & more kindness & understanding…Today’s statements from Pope Francis are a game changer in the fight to decriminalize LGBTQ people & also illustrate the work that needs to be done with religious leaders to finally show that being LGBTQ is not a sin.” Marianne Duddy-Burke, DignityUSA’s Executive Director concluded, “It is critical that the church’s bishops immediately end any support they have given to laws that make being gay or same-sex relationships illegal. We also call on Catholics in our own country & around the world to support equality & non-violence for their LGBTQIA+ neighbors.” 

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