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Discriminatory National Defense Bill

By Charlotte Robinson, July 14, 2023

Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has allowed far-right amendments to National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that threatens healthcare for transgender service members & attacks LGBTQ service members & their families. The amendments include a ban on medically-necessary gender affirming care for service members & their families. As you know gender affirming care is supported by every major medical association including the American Medical Association (AMA) which collectively represents millions of American doctors. David Stacy, Vice President of Government Affairs at the Human Rights Campaign stated, “House Republicans have a choice this week. They can reject these politicized amendments that single out transgender service members & their families or they can embrace the anti-LGBTQ+ extremists in the House of Representatives. We call on the House to reject these cynical & cruel attacks on the LGBTQ+ community, which fly in the face of overwhelming evidence & are being used as a political weapon. Injecting their self-ignited culture war into this national defense bill is a recipe for disaster.” This is happening at the same time that the Biden administration is taking steps to eradicate harmful discrimination in federally-funded social service programs. The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) issued a proposed regulation this week that entities grants from HHS to administer programs meeting essential human needs that must serve LGBTQ people on an equal basis with others implementing the Supreme Court’s Bostock v. Clayton County decision which held that federal sex discrimination laws prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation & transgender status.

1 comment:

Rachel Branaman, interim executive director for MMAA said...

Over 400,000 women, an estimated several thousand transgender men, as well as individuals who identify as non-binary or a different gender serve on active duty or reserve components of the Armed Forces will be impacted by these amendments. There are also an estimated 50,000 transgender or gender-diverse adolescents who are military dependents. Efforts to limit LGBTQ+ protections are unaligned with what the country believes and supports. According to nonpartisan polling, nearly 8 in 10 Americans, including 65% of Republicans, back nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ+ people. It is imperative that the House and Senate prioritize removing anti-equality riders from the NDAA bill as well as the Defense Appropriations Bill and Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Act Appropriations Bill.

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