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Global LGBTQ Pride Org Gains UN Status

By Charlotte Robinson, September 18, 2023

InterPride has been granted consultative status at the United Nations through the Economic & Social Council (ECOSOC). After a process that lasted more than 5 years this is vital & extraordinary recognition of the importance of Prides worldwide. Hadi Damien & Natalie Thompson, Co-Presidents of InterPride stated, “InterPride now further elevates the realities of LGBTQI+ Pride Organizers in UN institutions. The process has been long & challenging. We are thankful for the individuals within InterPride who have generously supported this work that makes us one of the few LGBTQI+ organizations with the access to speak and participate at the UN.” Richard Brethour-Bell, InterPride’s Vice President of Diversity, Inclusion & Accessibility added, “Each day at InterPride, we stand up for LGBTQI+ people & their right to live & safely gather in spaces free from violence & discrimination. Now, we can support our members in their fight to gather, change hearts & minds & build a world where LGBTQI+ people are free & equal through the hard-fought-for ability to uplift voices at the United Nations. I am excited for what we can do together.” J. Andrew Baker, UN Advocacy Coordinator at InterPride concluded, “In the face of growing & coordinated anti-rights actions against LGBTI people in countries worldwide, it is vital that InterPride brings the voices of Pride organizers & members organizations into United Nations spaces. I am honored to have led the process for InterPride to gain consultative status that allows our movements to document human rights violations against LGBTI people & advocate for the safety & protection of LGBTQI+ people when they gather in protest & celebration.” 

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