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American Society on Aging & SAGE USA

By Charlotte Robinson, December 28, 2023

SAGE the world’s oldest & largest non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of LGBTQ elders announced its curation of a new special edition of the American Society on Aging (ASA) Generations Journal 2023 that addresses our LGBTQ elders. According to the ASA the quarterly Generations Journal is devoted to bringing together the most useful & current knowledge about a specific topic in the field of aging, with emphasis on practice, research & policy. This year’s special edition focuses on breaking down the barriers of ageism & focusing on a case against structural ageism in our society. Michael Adams SAGE CEO stated, “The decision by SAGE to curate a special collection of articles on ageism for the American Society on Aging’s Generations Journal is particularly timely. Our essay collection analyzes ageism as a systemic bias – like racism & sexism & explores its deep links to ableism, given that bias about age is often linked to bias about disability. The essays reflect a reality that is often overlooked: that aging, ageism & ableism affect different socio-economic groups differently. That’s why organizations like ours exist.” Leanne Clark-Shirley, ASA interim President & CEO concluded, “We’re seeing ‘ageism’ & ‘ableism’ appear more frequently in media & advocacy, but learning the terms is not enough to solve either of these problems. ASA is so proud to publish this issue of Generations Journal that not only defines, but articulates the intersection of ageism & ableism with other social ills, while putting forth concrete examples of how we can dismantle their root causes.” Founded in 1978 & headquartered in NYC SAGE is a national organization that offers supportive services & consumer resources to LGBTQ older people & their caregivers. 

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