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Alabama Transgender Youth Medical Ban

By Charlotte Robinson, January 12, 2024

The Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals has issued an order allowing Alabama’s ban on medical care for transgender adolescents to take effect. This order grants a request by the state of Alabama to stay the trial court’s 2022 decision blocking the law from being enforced while the challenge against it proceeds. Lawyers representing parents of transgender adolescents stated, “Alabama’s transgender healthcare ban will harm thousands of transgender adolescents across the state & will put parents in the excruciating position of not being able to get the medical care their children need to thrive. The district court issued its preliminary order blocking the ban after hearing days of testimony from parents, doctors & medical experts about the devastating impact of this ban & the lack of any medical justification for it. Today’s ruling will hurt parents & children in the state. We will continue to challenge this unlawful ban & to support parents & their kids in pushing back against the dangerous reality of being denied access to necessary, best practice medical care.” As we reported last August a three-judge panel of the 11th Circuit had reversed the district court’s May, 2022 decision preventing the ban from taking effect. A full trial on the constitutionality of the ban is planned to take place in federal district court in August 2024. Plaintiffs in Boe v. Marshall are represented by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR), GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) & the Human Rights Campaign (HRC). They are joined in the litigation by co-counsel King & Spalding LLP and Lightfoot, Franklin & White LLC. 

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