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OHIO Senate Bans Trans Kids Healthcare

By Charlotte Robinson, January 26, 2024

The Ohio Senate voted to override Republican Governor Mike DeWine veto of HB 68 a combination bill that bans essential health care for transgender youth & prohibits transgender girls & women from school sports in grades K-12. Gov. Mike DeWine had vetoed the bill last month after meeting with transgender people, parents of transgender youth & their health care providers. DeWine said parents told him “…their child would be dead today if not for the care they received from Ohio’s children’s hospitals.” According to Equality Ohio 585 people submitted testimony opposing HB 68 since it was introduced compared to only approximately 40 supporters of the bill & many of those were not from Ohio. The Ohio House voted to override DeWine’s veto earlier this month. Implementation of HB 68 will go into effect after a 90-day period, on April 23rd. Sarah Kate Ellis GLAAD CEO & President stated, “Ohio’s extremist lawmakers inexplicably refused facts, expert testimony & deeply personal pleas from families who understand how this bill will bring pain & harm. No one should be treated like an outcast in their own state or be forced to leave to receive health care they count on. The bill is inaccurate from start to finish, even in the name, as it does nothing to keep children safe & interferes in parents’ rights to support their children. Ohio deserves leaders who protect all citizens, who believe in facts & science & a future where everyone can be safe & belong in their home state.” 

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