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New Hampshire Attacking LGBTQ Rights

By Charlotte Robinson, January 05, 2024

New Hampshire infamous for their slogan “Live Free or Die” has passed HB 396 & HB 619 bills that attack LGBTQ rights. The dangerous passed bills are now headed to the New Hampshire Senate. The bills will undermine the right to equal protection under the law for LGBTQ people by giving a license to discriminate against & segregate LGBTQ people in schools & other settings as well as make it more difficult for trans teenagers & their families to access appropriate health services supported by every major medical association. Linds Jakows, 603 Equality co-founder stated, “Today’s failure by the N.H. House to protect LGBTQ+ rights is a shameful beginning to 2024 in a state that has historically made overwhelmingly clear that it supports & respects LGBTQ+ identities. Trans kids & their families need to make private healthcare decisions that are best for them & they shouldn’t be discriminated against & segregated in schools, carceral settings or other spaces. We will continue to fight to ensure the rights of LBGTQ+ people are not violated by these dangerous, discriminatory bills as they make their way through the legislative process. When today’s anti-transgender bills get to Governor Sununu’s desk, he should promptly veto them, because ‘it’s the right thing to do,’ as he said when he signed New Hampshire’s transgender-inclusive nondiscrimination law in 2018.” Heidi Carrington Heath, Executive Director, Seacoast Outright concluded, “Our core value as Granite Staters is that every person deserves to live free as exactly who they are. We are thankful for every legislator who voted in support of LGBTQ+ youth & their families. We continue to invite our elected officials to join us in working for a brighter future where everyone is understood, valued & protected.”

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