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LGBTQ Leaders Focus On Issues (VIDEO)

By Charlotte Robinson, November 07, 2024

Just when our LGBTQ community appeared to be moving forward our safety net fell apart when the Dems once again used a playbook from previous failed elections & the GOP kicked in the winning goal. Just because techniques like making calls, sending texts, eblasts & knocking on doors may have worked for Obama it certainly didn’t work in 2016 with Michelle Obama’s call to action “When They Go Low, We Go High”. Biden won his post-covid election without using most of those tools & instead was able to apply common sense. However, both Biden & Harris were obsessed with speaking to the middle class & it was the working class that created the red wave that handed this election to the GOP. Even with their “how very low can we go & still win” campaign, unfortunately common sense was thrown out with the baby. Then the barrage of the GOP fake news Trans ads that mainstream media is obsessed with. They went after the lowest hanging fruit without any challenge of retribution. In our nonpartisan VOTE PSA Campaign we were very careful to address exactly what was at stake in this election. “Women’s rights on the chopping block, over 600 anti LGBTQ bills in states across the country, antisemitism, hate crimes & racial discrimination are on the rise all as we headed to the voting polls.” Melanie Willingham-Jaggers, GLSEN Executive Director concluded, “Hope is a discipline. We may grieve today, but tomorrow we must come back stronger. This election result highlights the urgency of our work. We must mobilize, organize & protect our youth from these harmful policies. Our community is resilient & we will not back down. We urge everyone to join us in this critical fight for equality & justice.” WATCH

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