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Vote For Good American Values (VIDEO)

By Charlotte Robinson, November 04, 2024

Not too long ago this was a country that had values. There were laws & a Constitution that we thought would last or at least were open to evolve for all the people. Now as we come down to 24 hours before a presidential election America is in the fight of her life to maintain civility. Unfortunately we’re at a crossroads between good & evil & we can’t allow evil to win no matter what the outcome of the election may be. Everyone is still pointing fingers at each other claiming to be the good because no one seems to want to accept the responsibility of their evil self-serving actions. For the last 20 years our LGBTQ community has become a voice of reason in America. We fought so hard just to have the same rights every citizen should have in the pursuit of happiness. Now those rights are being challenged along with women’s rights & who knows who will be targeted next. I have tried so hard to be a good American but more importantly a good human being on a planet that becomes less recognizable every year. Whoever wins this election keep visualizing that one day we can build a beautiful future together where we can all get along. Who knows World Peace might be just around the corner so don’t ever give up trying to make a better place for us all. So make sure you vote tomorrow for the love of country & tune out the hate. As Rev. Irene Monroe states in our video, “Vote like your life depends on it because it does. VOTE For A Working America, An America That Works For Us All.” WATCH

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