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Congress Passes Trans Youth Sports Ban

By Charlotte Robinson, January 14, 2025

The U.S. House of Representatives have passed HR 28 the Protection of Women & Girls in Sports Act that restricts transgender students from participating in school athletics. The bill amends the Education Amendments of 1972 so that for the purpose of athletics Title IX’s definition of “sex” only refers to a student’s sex assigned at birth. The bill explicitly states that youth assigned male at birth will not be allowed to participate on school sports teams designated for women & girls. Allison Scott Director of Impact & Innovation at the Campaign for Southern Equality stated, “The passage of HB28 by the U.S. House of Representatives is a cruel & unjust abuse of power that targets a very small number of young people who just want to play school sports with their friends. It’s appalling that one of the first priorities of this new Congress is to bully children with the weight of a federal law. I want to send a clear message to transgender young people & their families: No law can strip you of your inherent dignity & humanity & we will never stop working alongside you & a huge community nationwide to ensure all people can live authentically & with joy. The Senate should do the right thing here, refuse to exclude & marginalize children & reject this legislation.” If the bill becomes law schools that receive federal funding will be forced to exclude transgender young people from school athletics programs. HB28 now heads to the United States Senate. Last month I talked to Alexis Stratton about the new book “Trans Kids, Our Kids” co-authored with Adam Polaski & Rev. Jasmine Beach-Ferrara from the Campaign for Southern Equality.  LISTEN  

1 comment:

Melanie Willingham-Jaggers Executive Director of GLSEN said...

Instead of focusing on the shared needs of the American people, House Republicans showed they will continue to cater to the extreme and seek to impose their radically limited expectations of gender on the next generation. By an even narrower margin than last Congress, House Republicans aim to bully transgender student athletes across the country by imposing blanket restrictions across all sports with no regard for the balanced and thorough approaches that have been implemented for years by multiple state athletic associations without incident. This bill is not just an attack on trans inclusion, but also a disturbing signal that all girls could be questioned, and even subjected to harassment, if they do not align with a specific view of femininity. If this is a top priority of the new Congress, then it is an alarming signal of what other insidious attacks on free expression and gender equality are in store in the coming months

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