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Protecting Our LGBTQ Kids In America

By Charlotte Robinson, January 27, 2025

With the national bully pulpit targeting our LGBTQ community with executive orders especially our transgender, nonbinary & intersex citizens we have been overwhelmed with concern especially for our LGBTQ youth. GLSEN the leading education organization dedicated to creating safe & inclusive K-12 schools & learning environments for our LGBTQ youth condemns the executive orders & urges LGBTQ youth to know their rights as the incoming Trump administration seeks to intimidate school leaders & foster exclusionary learning environments. Melanie Willingham-Jaggers, Executive Director of GLSEN stated “From its first day, the Trump administration shows its unseriousness. Refusing to grasp the diversity of lived experiences in the United States does not make that rich diversity disappear. His day-one tirades do not erase legal rights afforded to gender-expansive people, but it seeks to set a dangerous precedent: that a person’s gender can be intrusively questioned in an effort to force them out of public life. The goal here is to erase free expression in pursuit of a fruitless quest to force America into a small-minded & ahistorical understanding of gender roles. LGBTQ+ people in America don't back down to bullies & will not surrender in silence or deny the expression of our or any child’s authentic identity. We will assert our rights & fight to ensure that every child gets to be who they are & their right to learn safely in schools free from violence, harassment & discrimination is defended & expanded.” GLSEN is a multi-racial intergenerational LGBTQ organization working nationally & locally to transform K-12 educational systems in the United States. Since 1990 GLSEN has improved conditions for LGBTQ students across the United States & helped launch an international movement to address LGBTQ issues in education. 

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