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LGBTQ Equality & Protections Decline

By Charlotte Robinson, January 10, 2025

First the social media company Meta announced it would eliminate fact-checking & hate speech guidelines on its sites much like X allowing users to abuse our LGBTQ community online. Sarah Kate Ellis GLAAD President & CEO stated, "With these changes, Meta is continuing to normalize anti-LGBTQ hatred for profit." Then yesterday a federal Judge in Kentucky scraped Biden's Title IX rules reversing expansion of protections for our LGBTQ students. Mardi Moore, CEO of Rocky Mountain Equality stated, "In a country that values freedom & requires all youth to attend school, this ruling is dangerous & deadly. The court is grossly abusing its power to advance an extreme political agenda that has nothing to do with protecting youth or families. This decision puts countless students across the country at risk. We know that State of Tennessee v. Cardona is just the beginning of the systematic attacks that transgender youth & all LGBTQ people & families will experience over the next four years & possibly decades to come. To our young people, I want to make something very clear. Rocky Mountain Equality & countless other organizations across the country, including the National Women’s Law Center, will continue to fight for you." Biden’s changes took effect last August but only in 24 states. With George W. Bush appointed Judge Danny C. Reeves of the Eastern District of Kentucky the ruling stated, “The entire point of Title IX is to prevent discrimination based on sex. Throwing gender identity into the mix eviscerates the statute & renders it largely meaningless.” Sadly Thursday’s decision will affect the entire country.

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