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Now it's Official! Obama & Biden '08

Now that it's official let's see what Obama will do for our LGBT community......
He proudly displays his wedding ring & states how proud he is of wife Michelle & his family......
Now we'll see how he delivers for our LGBT families.....:)
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Hillary Rocks the Dems Convention...:)

Hillary was brilliant as usual. She took total control of the audience with wit, humor & intelligence. There's just nobody like her & she made her case to utilize & strongly send her supporters on to Obama. Watch Speech... Updates to come.....:)
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Change We Can Believe In??

Senator Ted Kennedy's emotional speech @ the Dems Convention actually included a reference to our LGBT Community. He said, "Barack Obama will close the book on race, gender, group against group, straight against gay. Barack Obama will be a commander in chief that will ensure that our fighting men & women will be committed to a mission worthy of their bravery." Unfortunately this speech was not covered by the networks. You had to be watching CNN to catch it & when it was reviewed by the CNN commentators afterwards, including Anderson Cooper, this part of his speech was omitted from their discussion...Watch Speech.....
Michelle Obama speech @ the Dems Convention didn't include many reference to our community even though she's been wooing our LGBT Community for months.... Read More...She did however thank Hillary for cracking the glass ceiling in receiving 18 million votes in her bid for the Presidency while a petition circulated on the floor to nominate Senator Clinton. Watch Speech... The next few days should be interesting.....:)
There's been so many comparisons of Michelle to Jackie....
Hmmm.....:) Updates to come....
Monday the Dems began what will be an eventful Convention. :) We spent over a year listening to Obama's camp telling us how he stands for change. Picking Senator Bidin as his running mate was the best move he could make next to choosing Hillary..... However this entire campaign is becoming a bit of a mid 20th century retro flashback. Like John F. Kennedy picking Lyndon Johnson the junior Senator from Illinois selects the seasoned Senator from Delaware.....:) Updates to come......
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P-Town in August During Carnival '08... :)

Provincetown during Carnival is always crazy.
The Day-Trippers come to gawk @ the Gays...
This Year's Carnival Theme was Wild Wild West...
The Crown & Anchor Hosted their Annual GLAAD
Aussiebum Swimsuit Event....More Info...
The Models were quite the Hotties & about 3
women were in attendance including myself.....
Some of the Stores & Inns got into the Theme....
Rainbow Colored Handkerchiefs were all the Rage... :)
Checked OUT some private parties. Besides the lack
of women I realized I hadn't seen any Indians....
The Food was Fabulous & the Drink Line was long....
Around 5PM I headed to the Boatslip for Tea Dance...
The Deck was packed with Men & about 10 Women....
But in the Crowd I Found My One Lone Indian...:)
He Struck a Pose for Our Camera......
The Sun was Setting....So I did the only thing I could....
I caught Sandra Bernhard's Show @ The Vixen...
& Finally Found the Women....:)
Have a Fabulous Weekend!!
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Sandra Bernhard Does Provincetown :)

Sandra Bernhard performed 4 sold-out shows @ the Vixen
in P-Town this week. She was previewing her 20th Anniversary
landmark show "Without You I'm Nothing" which kicks off in
Washington DC on Sept. 9th. With Musical Director Mitch
Kaplan, Ms Bernhard began her performance singing "New
York City Girl" with some hip jokes & remarks as she strolled
down the center aisle running into Lea Delaria who was leaning
against the bar. Sandra wanted to know if she needed a seat.
The 2 joked a bit then Bernhard continued her performance
of singing & chat that ran a little over an hour...Some of the
highlights were when she said she called Ellen DeGeneres to
congratulate her on her marriage then she paused & said she's
giving it 5 years.....:) She's down on "Sex in The City"
which she feels isn't hip & ruined NYC. Politically she said
she doesn't like the times we're living in but likes the journey
remembering the past. Her songs are Great!! Someone from
the audience shouted OUT "Keep it up Sister." She replied
"I have no other choice....." For more info.....
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GLAAD's P-Town Event '08 Today...:)

GLAAD's (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) annual Provincetown Event is today, August 19th, 12-3P @ the Crown & Anchor, 247 Commercial St. This is a must attend party @ Carnival '08 this week! Hosted by ABSOLUT® Vodka & the Crown with additional sponsorship by Clos du Bois and aussieBum, will offer hosted cocktails, an aussieBum fashion show & a live poolside auction....:) President Neil G. Giuliano will provide an update on GLAAD's latest work...:) Check OUT our interview with Neil: GLAAD's Neil Giuliano: Audio Interview
The event will be MC'ed by Miss Richfield 1981 with special guest hottie Carlos Melia, Mr. Gay International 2008!! Video...:) Tix's are $35 which includes ABSOLUT® cocktails & a GLAAD's year membership....:) For Tix's & Info......GLAAD.org
Updates to come...See You There....:)

Event Media Partner: Provincetown Live
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Ellen & Portia's Fabulous Gay Marriage

Well it's about time they made it legal....:) It seems there was quite the activity @ their California digs. Read More... It's been reported that Ellen DeGeneres & Portia de Rossi were planning an August Wedding & Saturday was their Big Day!! We @ OUTTAKE Media wish them the best!!
Unfortunately there will always be people who are against equality. Here in Massachusetts gay marriage has been the law for 4 years & we've recently repealed that nasty 1913 law so that out-of-state couples are welcomed to marry in the Bay State. Now it appears that opponents to gay marriage are @ it again trying to get a question on the ballot to reverse this decision. Let's hope the homophobes are unsuccessful once again. Updates to come...
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Woodstock 40 Years Ago, A Reflection...:)

New Interview w/ Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin on LGBT Civil Rights & the Obama administration @OUTTAKE VOICES™
I went to Woodstock. We climbed into Rob's Ford van & drove all night from Gloucester, MA to Bethel, NY. There were 4 of us. Patrick, Rob, Ann & me. I was the only one with tickets. My friend Sue & I had taken the train to Cambridge to buy them for $18 @ the Harvard Coop. I figured if I bought the tickets my parents would have to let me go. After a bit of persuasion they gave in. The experience changed the course of my life...Let us know your stories....:)
Watch Joni Mitchell's "Woodstock"
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Bird's Nest or Birdcage.....:)

Glued to our TV's watching Phelps winning the Gold Record of 8...:)
From the glory of the Olympics will the World learn anything or once it's over will we just resume our downward course ??
Nothing like global competition to get your heart racing....:) Updates to come....
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Lorne Michaels Supports John McCain

Lorne Michaels, the Creator & Executive Producer of Saturday Night Live has given a campaign contribution to John McCain. You'd think this was just a bad skit from the show but it seems it's actually true. We uncovered this nasty fact in "Politico's" story about ex-SNL'er Dennis Miller. Miller who calls himself a moderate is also a supporter of gay marriage. Read More...
When you think about the greats of Saturday Night Live you can't help wonder where this country is headed when people like Lorne Michaels supports a candidate who's against equality for our LGBT community.....
I was backstage @ the Newport Jazz Festival this weekend which was hosted by Chevy Chase. If I had known this dish on Michaels perhaps I would have asked him his opinion. Oh well.....:)
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Lindsay Lohan & DJ Ronson Rock....:)

For months we have heard the speculation of Lindsay Lohan's relationship with Samantha Ronson. Now the 2 have appeared with identical black heart tattoos on their left hands...:) There's buzz about a possible commitment ceremony & the gay mags are hoping for a declaration of their affection. Let's give these 2 hotties a break & let them come OUT when they feel they're ready. In the meantime it's great seeing 2 attractive & successful young women not backing off....:)
GenQ Update...Read More
As for gay marriage, this is a basic civil right that should be attainable by all Americans if they choose. For those who have a problem with this check OUT: Our Trailer on Gay Marriage

Gay Marriage Massachusetts Style :)

I was in P-Town when the story broke that Massachusetts finally repealed that nasty 1913 Law & gay marriage would be only a car ride away for many of our LGBT community. Just think of the thousands of loving gay couples that will be taking the trip to exchange vows here. What a difference a week makes.....:) For those of you who were thinking about marrying in California where gay marriage is also the law but were concerned about the OUTcome of the November ballot just adjust your destination & come to Massachusetts where gay marriage has been the law for 4 fabulous years!! Provincetown in the summer would be a great choice.....
For info: Provincetown Live
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Rep. Sally Kern is @ it Again…. :)

Rep. Sally Kern, R-Oklahoma City, whose infamous claim to fame was saying that "homosexuality poses a bigger threat to the U.S. than terrorism" told members of the Cleveland County Republican Club Tuesday she is a "cultural warrior for Judeo-Christian values.” Kern said “I am not saying everyone has to be Christian; this is not a homogenous nation. What you have to be is someone who believes in a Judeo-Christian ethic, in other words, in knowing there's a right & wrong. Not all lifestyles are equal; not all religions are equal," she said. "Was I saying all people are not equal? Heavens no; we were all created equal." Kern repeated her opposition to gay marriage & homosexuality, though the lawmaker said she supports people's individual rights.

The good news is that Dem Ron Marlett, 59, of Warr Acres, is challenging Kern for the District 84 House seat & is expected to win. Marlett has said he wants to represent all the district's residents "equally with no discrimination as to race, religion, gender or sexual preference." Updates to Come….
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CDC Releases New HIV Data…..

New data just released by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reveal that the epidemic of HIV in America is far worse than previously suspected. The CDC report estimates that 56,300 people per year contract HIV in this country, an increase of 40% over previous estimates. While the disease has been on the decline among intravenous drug users & heterosexuals, the gay & bisexual community accounts for 53% of new cases annually. Data also indicate the disease has a disproportionate impact on African Americans, who contract the disease at a rate seven times higher than whites. One of the reasons for the increase is that those participating in unsafe sex are not getting tested & aren't aware that they’re HIV positive. So Please Practice Safe Sex & Get Tested...:)
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Governor Patrick Repeals 1913 Law...

The Governor signed the Bill into law Thursday which will allow out-of-state gay couples to marry in Massachusetts & he stayed the 90 day waiting period!! This means that the law will immediately go into effect!! So what are you waiting for??? Come to Massachusetts & tie the knot!!
Read More....
Earlier this week the Bill was repealed by the House & by State Senate a few weeks ago making it legal for out-of-state gay couples to marry in the Bay State....:) This is a Great Victory!! For those who are still uncomfortable with this check-OUT our short trailer on Gay Marriage. It has a way of opening closed minds & provides some sanity on the issue......Updates to come..... :)

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GLAAD Board Members Reality TV Ask

GLAAD Board members Peppermint & Frankie Grande together with a coalition of LGBTQ celebrities, advocates & allies have called on pr...

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