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Lorne Michaels Supports John McCain

By Charlotte Robinson, August 12, 2008
Lorne Michaels, the Creator & Executive Producer of Saturday Night Live has given a campaign contribution to John McCain. You'd think this was just a bad skit from the show but it seems it's actually true. We uncovered this nasty fact in "Politico's" story about ex-SNL'er Dennis Miller. Miller who calls himself a moderate is also a supporter of gay marriage. Read More...
When you think about the greats of Saturday Night Live you can't help wonder where this country is headed when people like Lorne Michaels supports a candidate who's against equality for our LGBT community.....
I was backstage @ the Newport Jazz Festival this weekend which was hosted by Chevy Chase. If I had known this dish on Michaels perhaps I would have asked him his opinion. Oh well.....:)
View Our Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm flabbergasted !!!

The producer of one of the most "Make fun of Republicans" TV programs !!

Who/what's next ?

Rupert Murdoch donating to Obama ?

Oh the Humanity of it all !

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