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CDC Releases New HIV Data…..

By Charlotte Robinson, August 05, 2008
New data just released by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reveal that the epidemic of HIV in America is far worse than previously suspected. The CDC report estimates that 56,300 people per year contract HIV in this country, an increase of 40% over previous estimates. While the disease has been on the decline among intravenous drug users & heterosexuals, the gay & bisexual community accounts for 53% of new cases annually. Data also indicate the disease has a disproportionate impact on African Americans, who contract the disease at a rate seven times higher than whites. One of the reasons for the increase is that those participating in unsafe sex are not getting tested & aren't aware that they’re HIV positive. So Please Practice Safe Sex & Get Tested...:)
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This news is disheartening and demands renewed attention to HIV/AIDS in America. The data give us a better understanding of where we must focus efforts to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS. Armed with this information, I will continue my efforts at the federal level to support effective prevention programs, increase medical research to prevent and treat the disease, and support those living with HIV/AIDS.

Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) is co-chair of the Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus & a leading advocate for universal health care.

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