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The 2oth Annual GLAAD MEDIA AWARDS were Fabulous!!
Check OUT our audio interviews with the honorees & celebs
Clay Aiken, Judith Light, Chris Noth, Jay Manuel & more….:)

Suze Orman received the Vito Russo Award. I knew Vito when I
was living in NYC doing my network TV & clubbing scene. Vito
definitely would get a kick out of Suze Orman....:)
Read More About Vito Russo.....
Tyra Banks was honored with the Excellence in Media Award,
Phil Donahue received the Special Recognition Award & Hosting
the Event was one of our faves Kate Clinton.....:)
Special Appearances were; Clay Aiken, John Amaechi, Jensen
Atwood, Michelle Clunie, Tim Gunn, Van Hansis & Jake Silbermann,
Cherry Jones, T.R. Knight, Jay Manuel, S. Epatha Merkerson, Jasika
Nicole, Chris Noth, Keith Olbermann, Ana Ortiz, Patrick Ian Pol,
Jenny Shimizu, Hannah Storm, Michael Urie, Jane Velez-Mitchell &
Vanessa Williams just to name a few....:) We'll have all the
Highlights & Dish.....For More Info: GLAAD.org Updates to Come....
View Our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Gay Lawyers Sue Hillary Clinton (Audio)

Audio Interview Clip: 0:40

Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD), have filed suit
challenging the unconstitutionality of Bill Clinton's Defense
of Marriage Act known as DOMA. In this suit, Hillary Rodham
Clinton has been named as one of the Defendants, in her official
capacity as Secretary of State for the discriminatory way the
State Department refuses to recognize the legal marriage status
of Massachusetts gay couples in the issuing of passports, etc....
For more info & to hear our full audio interview with Lee Swislow,
Executive Director of GLAD, check OUT: OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

"the L word" Lesbian Series Finale???

The final season of "the L word" was built around the theme of "Sunset Boulevard" with the most love-to-hate character, Jenny, found drown in a swimming pool. There was all this media hype of " Who Killed Jenny Schecter." Typically, the series ended with little closure leaving plenty of room for the upcoming spin-off currently in the works. Until then our LGBT community is left without any gay or lesbian leading characters on mainstream TV.
Mia Kirshner as Jenny Drowns in Swimming Pool...
FYI, if you have a fascination with the afterlife check OUT our interview with Medium Suzane Northrop @ OUTTAKE VOICES™ discuss her new LGBT program "the Afterlife" on here! tv...:)
View Our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Prop 8 & The California Supreme Court

This is a must-see video of March 4th Prop 8 Rally...
Watching the court proceedings Thursday you couldn't help ask.....
"Who's writing this script???" This case is definitely headed to
Washington D.C. by 2010 if the California Supreme Court doesn't
end this now by abolishing Prop 8 when they rule in 90 days.....
Let's hope in America equality is for all of the people
& not just some of the people.....
Here in Massachusetts where gay marriage has been the law for
over 5 years the only thing that has changed is that gay couples
& heterosexual couples have equal rights, benefits & protections
for their families....:) Check OUT LGBT Leaders @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Gay Marriage Can Save California...$$

California's economy is so bad that for 2 nights ABC World News w/ Charles Gibson broadcast was from Los Angeles. Of course it was never mentioned in their story how gay marriage could help mend California's budget, even though it would bring millions of dollars to their economy.  
For More Info...
Here in Massachusetts where gay marriage has been legal for over 5 years, GLAD filed suit Tuesday challenging DOMA. We'll be following this story closely. READ MORE.....
In California, 18,000 gay marriages were legally performed.... On Monday both Houses of the California State Legislature passed resolutions endorsing the legal effort to overturn the state's gay marriage ban. This Thursday oral arguments will be heard before the California Supreme Court to overturn Prop 8. Last night was the Eve of Justice & there was a statewide candlelight vigils to send a message to Californians. More info @ EveofJustice.com & eqca.org
This morning from 9A-12P PST when the case is argued, witness history if you live in San Francisco as the hearing is broadcast on the huge jumbotron in front of the California Supreme Court & City Hall or watch live @ eqca.org or @ The California Channel In West Hollywood Lambda Legal, the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center, the American Civil Liberties Union, the National Center for Lesbian Rights & the City of West Hollywood will host a viewing of oral arguments in the Proposition 8 legal challenge, today March 5,
@ West Hollywood Auditorium, followed by a press conference… Updates to Come......
View Our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage
Check OUT LGBT Leaders Interviews @ OUTTAKE VOICES

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GLAAD Board Members Reality TV Ask

GLAAD Board members Peppermint & Frankie Grande together with a coalition of LGBTQ celebrities, advocates & allies have called on pr...

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