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Gay Marriage Wins in New Hampshire...:)

By Charlotte Robinson, June 04, 2009
WEDNESDAY: GAY MARRIAGE WINS in NH - 198 to 176 The New Hampshire Senate just approved a compromise gay marriage bill that strengthened the language involving legal protections for religious institutions & related agencies.The vote was 14-10 along party lines. The amendment now goes to the House this afternoon. GAY MARRIAGE WINS in NH - 198 to 176 CONCORD- Hundreds of people gathered at the Statehouse today just prior to the legislature taking up HB73 - the last bill in a series of bills necessary to guarantee religious liberties for all Granite States & the freedom to marry for gay & lesbian couples in New Hampshire. GOVERNOR LYNCH SIGNS BILL!!  The law will go into effect January 1, 2010 Updates to Come...

Listen to an audio excerpt with Arline Isaacson, Co-Chair of the Massachusetts Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus, discuss Religion & Gay Marriage. To hear the full interview on America's Road to Gay Marriage @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage


Mo Baxley said...

Today's vote is in line with the majority of Granite Staters who support the freedom to marry. The legislature has upheld the New Hampshire values of individual liberty, freedom and fairness. We applaud the legislature for continuing to strongly safeguard religious freedom while making sure that all loving, committed couples have the freedom to marry.

Mo Baxley, Executive Director of the New Hampshire Freedom to Marry Coalition

Neil Giuliano said...

Gov. Lynch's signing of the marriage equality bill grants legal protections for same-sex couples in New Hampshire to take care of and be responsible for each other. As people get to know the loving and committed couples at the heart of marriage equality, our culture is moving to equality.
GLAAD congratulates and expresses our deepest appreciation to the New Hampshire Freedom to Marry Coalition and the courageous couples whose personal stories and work for fair and equal treatment under the law culminated in today's signing.

Neil G. Giuliano, President of The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD)

Governor Lynch said...

New Hampshire's great tradition has always been to come down on the side of individual liberties and protections. That tradition continues today.

Two years ago in this room, I signed civil unions into law. That law gave same-sex couples in New Hampshire the rights and protections of marriage. And while civil unions was recognized as a step forward, many same-sex couples made compelling arguments that a separate system is not an equal system.

They argued that what might appear to be a minor difference in wording to some, lessened the dignity and legitimacy of their families.

At the same time, the word "marriage" has significant and religious connotations to many of our citizens. They had concerns that this legislation would interfere with the ability of religious groups to freely practice their faiths.

Today, we are standing up for the liberties of same-sex couples by making clear that they will receive the same rights, responsibilities - and respect - under New Hampshire law.

Today, we are also standing up for religious liberties. This legislation makes clear that we understand that certain faiths do not recognize same-sex marriage, and it protects them from having to participate in marriage-related activities that violate their fundamental religious principles.

With the signing of this legislation today, New Hampshire will have taken every action possible to ensure that all families have equal rights to the extent that is possible under state law.
Unfortunately, the federal government does not extend the same rights and protections that New Hampshire provides same-sex families, and that should change.

Here in New Hampshire, this debate has been filled with passion and emotion on both sides.

Two years ago, after an equally passionate debate, the people of New Hampshire embraced civil unions as a natural part of New Hampshire's long tradition of opposing discrimination.

It is my hope, and my belief, that New Hampshire will again come together to embrace tolerance and respect, and to stand against discrimination.

That has how we in New Hampshire have always lived our lives and that is how we will continue as we move forward.

Most families in New Hampshire will awaken tomorrow, go to work and to school, and feel no impact from what we have accomplished today.

But for some, they will awaken tomorrow knowing we have said to them that they are equal, that they have the same rights to live and to love as everyone else.

Today is a day to celebrate in New Hampshire. Today should not be considered a victory for some and a loss for others.

Today is a victory for all the people of New Hampshire, who I believe, in our own independent way, want tolerance for all.

That is truly the New Hampshire way.

Governor Lynch's Statement as he signed the Marriage Equality Bill in New Hampshire on June 3, 2009

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