About Me

Ricky Martin, Adam Lambert, Clay Aiken...

A funny thing happened to Ricky Martin while he was writing his
memoirs. He decided to finally come OUT as
a proud gay man.
"When someone like Ricky Martin comes
out, hundreds of millions
of people now have a cultural
connection with an artist, a celebrity
& perhaps most
importantly, a father who happens to be gay,"
said Jarrett Barrios, President of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance

Against Defamation (GLAAD). "His decision to model this
kind of
openness & honesty can lead to greater acceptance for
countless gay
people in U.S., in Latin America & worldwide."

Martin follows other fierce Pop Divos Clay Aiken, Lance Bass,

Adam Lambert & Elton John whose careers & personal lives
been enhanced by their decision to be openly gay.

In this exclusive audio byte we asked Aiken if he was happy
way his story played out in the media, Clay stated, “I don’t
think anyone has any control over their own story. Would

I change anything in the last five years? No.”

Adam Lambert will perform at the 21st Annual GLAAD Media
Awards in Los Angeles on April 17, 2010 at the Hyatt Regency
Century Plaza. For Info & Tix: glaad.org
Exclusive audio interview w/ Alex Lucchesi,
Co-Chair of of SpeakOUT & creating a world free

of LGBT homophobia & other forms of prejudice


Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
Support Our Vision @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:)

View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Happy Passover.....:)

Happy Passover to Our
Jewish LGBT Community

& Their Families.....:)

Exclusive audio interview w/ Alex Lucchesi,
Co-Chair of of SpeakOUT & creating a world free

of LGBT homophobia & other forms of prejudice


Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
Support Our Vision @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:)

View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

New DADT Temporary Band Aid Policy

Exclusive audio interview w/ Alex Lucchesi,
Co-Chair of of SpeakOUT & creating a world free

of LGBT homophobia & other forms of prejudice


The latest insult to our LGBT community is Defense Secretary Robert
Gates announcement on “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”. Instead of a civilized
moratorium on releasing any military personnel because of their
sexual orientation until DADT is repealed, the US Defense Department
has released news that the military's obscene DADT policy is going to
be relaxed. From now on, the military will no longer use anonymous
tips as reason enough to investigate an individual's sexual orientation.
Testimony's will now have to be given under oath. High-ranking
officers will also now have to review all cases related to the policy.
The new rules are to be a temporary measure until the Pentagon
completes its full review of controversial policy. It’s believed that
Gates will continue to push for a complete repeal. Don’t you think
the moratorium concept makes more sense? Updates to come….:)
Exclusive audio interview with Robin McGehee
who was arrested w/ gay activists Lt Dan Choi &

Captain Jim Pietrangelo in front of the White House

in protest of the military’s “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”


Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
Support Our Vision @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:)

View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

No LGBT in Health Care Bill (AUDIO)

Exclusive audio interview with Robin McGehee
who was arrested w/ gay activists Lt Dan Choi &

Captain Jim Pietrangelo in front of the White House

in protest of the military’s “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”


Our LGBT community is not included in the current health care
bill that President Obama signed into law Tuesday. All the LGBT
inclusive language that Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin worked
so hard to be part of the health care reform bill was stripped from
President Obama’s health care plan. When we asked Baldwin what
can be done about this Congresswoman Baldwin stated, “When we
talk about those provisions related to LGBT health that I fought so
hard to get into the house passed version it’s going to be challenging.
So I think we may end up having to work towards these goals in
separate legislation.” To hear the entire exclusive audio interview
w/Congresswoman Baldwin talking about our LGBT 2010 Forecast
OUTTAKE VOICES™: Congresswoman Baldwin Speaks OUT
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
Support Our Vision @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:)

View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

DADT Gay Activists Arrested in D.C. Video

Exclusive audio interview with Robin McGehee
who was arrested w/ gay activists Lt Dan Choi &

Captain Jim Pietrangelo in front of the White House

in protest of the military’s “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”


Video Below: Lt. Dan Choi, Captain Pietrangelo & GETEqual CoChair
Robin McGehee have been arrested at the White House over the
“Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy. They chained themselves to the
White House fence. It seems when Choi asked to speak to the
Human Rights Campaign rally he was turned down. When Choi
spoke despite objections that he was at Kathy Griffin's rally the
crowd left Freedom Plaza & followed him to the White House.
There the crowd grew & witnessed the arrests. We’re scheduled
to interview Lt. Dan Choi next week for OUTTAKE VOICES™
Update: Our Choi interview has been delayed....Soon though :)

Watch Video
Updates to come….
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
Support Our Vision @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:)

View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

21th GLAAD Media Awards, NYC Winners :)

Exclusive audio montage w/ Emmy Winner Charlotte
Robinson talks with celebrities about LGBT Equality
on the Red Carpet at the 21st GLAAD Media Awards,
in New York City

- Excellence in Media Award: Joy Behar
presented by Meredith Vieira
- Vito Russo Award: Cynthia Nixon
presented by Michael Patrick King
- Outstanding Drama Series:
Brothers & Sisters (ABC)
Accepted by: show writer, Geoffrey Nauffts
- Outstanding TV Movie or Mini-Series:
Prayers for Bobby (Lifetime)
Accepted by: Sigourney Weaver & Producers,
Daniel Sladek & Damian Ganczewski
- Outstanding TV Journalism Segment:
"Why Will Won't Pledge Allegiance"
American Morning (CNN)
Accepted by: Will Phillips &
American Morning Producer Beth Marengo
- Outstanding Digital Journalism Article: TIE:
"'We Love You, This Won't Change a Thing'"
by John Buccigross (ESPN.com) Accepted by:
John Buccigross & Patrick Burke, brother of
Brendan Burke & "Why Can't You Just Butch Up?
Gay Men, Effeminacy & Our War with Ourselves"
by Brent Hartinger (AfterElton.com)
Accepted by: Brent Hartinger
- Special Recognition: Hair Accepted by: Gavin Creel

Massachusetts Schools Anti-Bullying Bill

For Update & LGBT Anti-Bullying Video: OUTTAKE VOICES™
The Massachusetts Senate is scheduled to vote on Anti-Bullying Bill
(S 2283) possibly today March 11th. The bill requires schools
to develop procedures to prevent or stop bullying & increasingly
pervasive cyber-bullying by students. LGBT kids & the children of
LGBT parents are frequently the targets of some of the most vicious
& cruel forms of bullying & cyber-bullying. News stories of young
bullying victims driven to suicide or violence necessitates quick
action by our legislature. While there is no silver bullet to heal the
lifetime of scars bullying can inflict, this bill forces schools to begin
the process of prevention and training to protect at risk populations,
like LGBT kids.
"Well, if defending LGBT kids & the kids of LGBT families makes
MGLPC a 'slick special interest', then we're proud to say we are!
Call or
email your state senator before Thursday (3/11/) & ask
them to support Anti-Bullying Bill S2283." Arline Isaacson Co-Chair
of The Massachusetts Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus stated.
MGLPC has been working extensively on Anti-Bullying legislation.
Support MGLPC & Contribute Online Updates to Come.....
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

Gay Marriage Begins in Washington D.C.

Just In: The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD),
the nation’s lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender (LGBT) media
advocacy & anti-defamation organization, has staff on the ground
for the first day that gay & lesbian couples can marry in D.C....:)
“Today’s marriages will allow couples in Washington, D.C. to take
care of & provide for each other & their families- rights that all
Americans deserve,” said Jarrett Barrios, President of the Gay &
Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. "More & more, lawmakers
& the public are realizing that gay & lesbian families deserve equal
protections under the law. As the world watches couples in our
nation’s capitol wed, we applaud the hard work of DC for Marriage,
Campaign for All DC Families, the local clergy & the organizations
& couples whose personal stories made this historic moment
possible,” Barrios said.
OUTTAKE VOICES™ will be on the Red Carpet covering the NYC
GLAAD Media Awards the Saturday on March 13th.
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

And The 2010 Oscars Go To.......:)

There was an absence of LGBT presence in last night’s oh so safe
Oscar show. It opened with a glittering Neil Patrick Harris
musical number & then proceeded with gay stereotypical humor
between odd couple hosts Steve Martin & Alec Baldwin. At least
all the winners deserved their awards:
Best Picture: "The Hurt Locker"

Best Actor: Jeff Briges, "Crazy Heart"

Best Supporting Actor: Christoph Waltz in “Inglourious Basterds”

Best Actress: Sandra Bullock, "The Blind Side"

Best Supporting Actress: Mo'Nique, "Precious"

Best Director: Kathryn Bigelow “The Hurt Locker”.....:)

Academy Awards 2010 Oscar Winners List
New audio interview w/ gay Filmmaker Stu Maddux
& Vanessa Domico, Founder & President of Outcast

Films, on Gay 2010 Oscar Contenders & Hollywood

Updates To Come....:)

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

Homophobes Fail to Stop D.C. Gay Marriage

New audio interview w/ gay Filmmaker Stu Maddux
& Vanessa Domico, Founder & President of Outcast

Films, on Tonight's Academy Awards, 8P on ABC...:)


Update: First Gay Marriage Licenses Issued in DC...:)
It's so predictable that days before gay marriage goes into
effect in every state that it becomes the law in this country

the hate-mongers show how threatened they are of marriage

equality. An emergency appeal to stop gay marriage in the

District of Columbia from taking effect was denied by Chief

Justice John Roberts late Tuesday afternoon. Roberts says it

is the practice of the Supreme Court to defer to the rulings of

D.C. courts matters that are of local concern. He also notes

that Congress with its authority to overrule D.C. laws within

30 days has refused to do so. Roberts wrote that "while these

considerations are of course not determinative of the legal

issues, they do weigh against granting petitioners' request for

a stay..."

Last week we spoke to openly gay Congresswoman Tammy

Baldwin in this exclusive audio byte about this issue...

Hear the full interview w/ Congresswoman Baldwin
Co-Chair of the Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus

on LGBT civil rights reality in 2010.....


No Gay Coverage in Obama Health Care

Audio interview w/ Congresswoman Baldwin Co-Chair of the Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus on LGBT civil rights reality in 2010 & advocating
for a LGBT
inclusive universal health care bill @OUTTAKE VOICES™All the LGBT inclusive language that Congresswoman Baldwin worked so hard to be part of the Health Care Reform bill has been stripped from President Obama’s new health care plan. However, Obama’s proposal does include $11 billion for ''the operation, expansion, & construction of community health centers'' around the country. This money could perhaps help LGBT & HIV
centers around the country. Congresswoman Baldwin says she hasn't given up hope. She called President Obama's proposal ''an important step forward that helps to regain our momentum
on health care reform efforts", then added, ''it is not the final word.'' Updates to Come...:)
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

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