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DADT Gay Activists Arrested in D.C. Video

By Charlotte Robinson, March 18, 2010
Exclusive audio interview with Robin McGehee
who was arrested w/ gay activists Lt Dan Choi &

Captain Jim Pietrangelo in front of the White House

in protest of the military’s “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”


Video Below: Lt. Dan Choi, Captain Pietrangelo & GETEqual CoChair
Robin McGehee have been arrested at the White House over the
“Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy. They chained themselves to the
White House fence. It seems when Choi asked to speak to the
Human Rights Campaign rally he was turned down. When Choi
spoke despite objections that he was at Kathy Griffin's rally the
crowd left Freedom Plaza & followed him to the White House.
There the crowd grew & witnessed the arrests. We’re scheduled
to interview Lt. Dan Choi next week for OUTTAKE VOICES™
Update: Our Choi interview has been delayed....Soon though :)

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