who was arrested w/ gay activists Lt Dan Choi &
Captain Jim Pietrangelo in front of the White House
in protest of the military’s “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”

Our LGBT community is not included in the current health care
bill that President Obama signed into law Tuesday. All the LGBT
inclusive language that Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin worked
so hard to be part of the health care reform bill was stripped from
President Obama’s health care plan. When we asked Baldwin what
can be done about this Congresswoman Baldwin stated, “When we
talk about those provisions related to LGBT health that I fought so
hard to get into the house passed version it’s going to be challenging.
So I think we may end up having to work towards these goals in
separate legislation.” To hear the entire exclusive audio interview
w/Congresswoman Baldwin talking about our LGBT 2010 Forecast
OUTTAKE VOICES™: Congresswoman Baldwin Speaks OUT
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
Support Our Vision @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:)
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage
For the first time in our nation's history, Congress has passed comprehensive health care reform. America waited a hundred years and fought for decades to reach this moment. Tonight, thanks to you, we are finally here.
Consider the staggering scope of what you have just accomplished:
Because of you, every American will finally be guaranteed high quality, affordable health care coverage.
Every American will be covered under the toughest patient protections in history. Arbitrary premium hikes, insurance cancellations, and discrimination against pre-existing conditions will now be gone forever.
And we'll finally start reducing the cost of care -- creating millions of jobs, preventing families and businesses from plunging into bankruptcy, and removing over a trillion dollars of debt from the backs of our children.
But the victory that matters most tonight goes beyond the laws and far past the numbers.
It is the peace of mind enjoyed by every American, no longer one injury or illness away from catastrophe.
It is the workers and entrepreneurs who are now freed to pursue their slice of the American dream without fear of losing coverage or facing a crippling bill.
And it is the immeasurable joy of families in every part of this great nation, living happier, healthier lives together because they can finally receive the vital care they need.
This is what change looks like.
My gratitude tonight is profound. I am thankful for those in past generations whose heroic efforts brought this great goal within reach for our times. I am thankful for the members of Congress whose months of effort and brave votes made it possible to take this final step. But most of all, I am thankful for you.
This day is not the end of this journey. Much hard work remains, and we have a solemn responsibility to do it right. But we can face that work together with the confidence of those who have moved mountains.
Our journey began three years ago, driven by a shared belief that fundamental change is indeed still possible. We have worked hard together every day since to deliver on that belief.
We have shared moments of tremendous hope, and we've faced setbacks and doubt. We have all been forced to ask if our politics had simply become too polarized and too short-sighted to meet the pressing challenges of our time. This struggle became a test of whether the American people could still rally together when the cause was right -- and actually create the change we believe in.
Tonight, thanks to your mighty efforts, the answer is indisputable: Yes we can.
After Obama signs the bill into law perhaps Congress will address providing provisions for a woman's right to choose and put the language back in that acknowledges our LGBT American citizens...
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