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DADT Protesters Face Court...

Exclusive Audio Interview w/ Malcolm Lazin, the
Founder & Executive Director of Equality Forum

2010 the LGBT Event began April 26 & runs thru

May 2 in Philly: More Info

UPDATE: Monday Lt. Dan Choi, Capt. Jim Pietrangelo &
Robin McGehee were scheduled to appear in DC
Superior Court
for last month's White House DADT protest.
Updates to Come...:)

Rather than wait for their court date Today Lt. Dan Choi &
Capt. Jim Pietrangelo were arrested again last Tuesday after
handcuffing themselves to the White House fence with Petty
Officer Larry Whitt, Cadet Mara Boyd, Airman Victor Price &
Petty Officer Autumn Sandeen in protest of the “Don’t Ask
Don’t Tell” policy which bans gay & lesbian service members
from revealing their sexual orientation at the risk of being fired.
The action was organized by Robin McGehee of the grassroots
org GetEqual. Listen to the interview with Robin McGehee for
OUTTAKE VOICES™ after her arrest with Choi & Pietrangelo.
DADT Protest Rally May 2 @ Lafayette Park in DC. 12 Noon
Spread the word!
Updates to Come….:)
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
Support Our Vision @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:)

View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Lt. Dan Choi & 5 DADT Protesters Arrested

Rather than wait for their April 26th court date Lt. Dan Choi
& Capt. Jim Pietrangelo were arrested again Tuesday after
handcuffing themselves to the White House fence with Petty
Officer Larry Whitt, Cadet Mara Boyd, Airman Victor Price &
Petty Officer Autumn Sandeen in protest of the “Don’t Ask
Don’t Tell” policy which bans gay & lesbian service members
from revealing their sexual orientation at the risk of being fired.
The action was organized by Robin McGehee of the grassroots
org GetEqual. Listen to the interview with Robin McGehee for
OUTTAKE VOICES™ after her arrest with Choi & Pietrangelo.
Updates to Come….:)
Exclusive Audio Interview w/ Malcolm Lazin, the
Founder & Executive Director of Equality Forum

2010 the LGBT Event began April 26 & runs thru

May 2 in Philly: More Info

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
Support Our Vision @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:)

View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

L.A. GLAAD Media Awards Celebrities

Adam Lambert, the cast of Glee, Johnny Weir, Sofia Vergara,
Eric Dane, Chaz Bono, George Takei, Constance McMillen,
Candis Cayne, Wilson Cruz, RuPaul & Super Bowl-winning NFL
linebacker Scott Fujita were among the celebrities who joined
the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) as it
honored Drew Barrymore, Wanda Sykes & the best in film,
television & journalism at the 21st Annual GLAAD Media Awards
in Los Angeles April 17th.

Barrymore stated in her acceptance speech, "The thing that means
the most to me about an evening like this & why I want to fight &
be outspoken, is because there are so many people who are in
desperate need of family. So whatever governments we have to
overcome, whatever adversity people have to overcome to create
these families & have the legal things be out of the way so that love
can exist and people can take care of one another, that’s the most
important thing in the world. That we take care of each other."

Mississippi teen Constance McMillen, whose high school cancelled
her prom rather than allow McMillen to attend with her girlfriend,
presented the Stephen F. Kolzak Award to Wanda Sykes, who has
shown a strong commitment to educating the public about the lives
of LGBT people. Sykes attended the event with her wife Alex, making
their first press appearance as a couple. Sykes stated, "I am very
humbled, thank you GLAAD. Thank you for the work you're doing &
being the watchdog. Because you really create the environment that
allows me to be comfortable being me. [It's great] to be out & open
& free & be able to say thank to my wife. It's love & being honest
that wins hearts & minds."
Additional Awards will be announced in San Francisco on June 5.
Complete Winner List & More Info: glaad.org
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
Support Our Vision @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:)

View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Obama Signs Into Law LGBT Hospital Rights

Exclusive audio interview w/ Dr. Dana Beyer,
well-known advocate for public health, coherent

government & an activist for Women's & Gender


President Obama signed a presidential memorandum regarding
the visitation rights of hospital patients & the ability to designate
surrogate decision makers in the case of emergencies.
This is a huge victory for our LGBT community.
Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin Stated,
“President Obama’s decision to direct the Secretary of Health &
Human Services to take steps to ensure that hospitals participating
in Medicare or Medicaid respect the rights of patients to receive
visitors & designate others to make decisions about medical care in
the case of an emergency is the right one. It follows the lead of many
states & makes a strong statement about who we are as a nation &
what we value. No one should face the distress of lying ill or injured
in a hospital bed with the loved one you designate barred from your
bedside for any other than a compelling medical reason. For too long,
such access has been arbitrarily denied many individuals, most
especially to gay & lesbian Americans. President Obama’s action puts
us another step closer toward our goal of equal rights for all
Americans & I applaud his decision.” Updated to Come…:)
Exclusive Audio Interview with Lee Swislow,
Executive Director of the Gay & Lesbian Advocates

& Defenders (GLAD) on Gill v. Office of Personnel

Management that challenges Section 3 of DOMA

in Federal Court May 6th

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
Support Our Vision @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:)

View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Today is Day of Silence (VIDEO)

Teen Suicide & Bullying are Epidemic in America.
LGBTQ Teens are Four Times More Likely to
Attempt Suicide than their Heterosexual Peers.

Day of Silence is coordinated nationally by the Gay,
& Straight Education Network
(GLSEN). This is a day in which
students from around the country take a vow of
silence to bring
attention to homophobic, anti-lesbian, gay, bisexual
& transgender
name-calling, bullying & harassment faced
in schools by students,
teachers & other school staff.
Over 500,000 students from nearly
6,500 junior high &
high schools in all 50 states & Puerto Rico have
over the years....
According to statistics provided by GLSEN:
More than 85 percent of LGBT students have been verbally harassed

Nearly 20 percent of LGBT students were physically assaulted by their

peers @ school...

Almost 40 percent of LGBT students reported that faculty & staff

never intervene when homophobic language is used in their presence...

Nearly 30 percent of LGBT students reported missing at least one

entire school day because they felt unsafe For More Info: GLSEN

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders OUTTAKE VOICES™

No Federal Tax Deductions For Gay Couples

Though gay marriage has passed in Massachusetts, Connecticut,
Vermont, New Hampshire & Iowa, all of the thousands of the

legally married gay couples in America are denied the following

federal benefits:

*Filing joint tax returns
*Inheritance benefits
*Divorce settlements
*Medicaid survivor benefits
*Social Security survivor benefits
*Pension benefits
Wouldn't you think that with our LGBT community having an annual
buying power of 712 Billion Dollars a year President Obama would be

a bit more diligent in addressing our basic federal rights, benefits &

protections for our families?? LGBT Buying Power will hit a Trillion

by 2012.
Read More...:)
Exclusive Audio Interview with Lee Swislow,
Executive Director of the Gay & Lesbian Advocates

& Defenders (GLAD) on Gill v. Office of Personnel

Management that challenges Section 3 of DOMA

in Federal Court May 6th

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
Support Our Vision @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:)

View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Converting Gay Youth on Boston Radio??

Arline Isaacson & Gary Daffin Co-Chairs of the Massachusetts
Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus inform us that a major homophobic
program is airing on Boston Radio. It's Dawson McAllister that airs
on KISS 108 every Sunday night. The show is billed as a place for
those 25 & younger to call in & talk about their lives, deepest needs,
depression, addiction, etc. What they don't tell you is that when
young LGBT's call in & speak off air to one of McAllister's reps, they're
told that their homosexuality is no better than drug addiction,
prostitution & murder; that being gay will condemn them to hell &
that the only solution is for them is to be "cured" of their
homosexuality through God. Vulnerable young callers are then
directed to Exodus International where they 'will receive the help
they need'. Exodus International is the 'Ex-Gay' ministry that claims
to convert LGBTs into being straight. Exodus' conversions are
universally discredited by mainstream psychiatrists & psychologists.
This is despicable. We need to protect our LGBT youth. Call KISS 108
& Clear Channel & demand they "clear the channel" of homophobes
poisoning the minds of LGBT youth. We deserve better. LGBT youth
deserve better. To Get Dawson McAllister Off the Air Contact:
Marc Mays, CEO ClearChannel

No Vote to Repeal Prop 8 in 2010

SAN FRANCISCO: Our Gay Activists in California have failed
to qualify a measure that would repeal California's gay marriage
ban on the November ballot. Sean Bohac of Restore Equality
said the volunteer-run group fell short of gathering the nearly
695,000 signatures needed to put the initiative before voters.
Monday was the deadline for submitting the signatures to the
Secretary of State's Office. He said gay marriage supporters are
turning their attention to repeal Proposition 8 in 2012. FYI,
the California lawsuit to overturn Prop. 8 is also pending before
a federal trial judge. Speaking of Gay Marriage in Federal Court...
Exclusive Audio Interview with Lee Swislow,
Executive Director of the Gay & Lesbian Advocates

& Defenders (GLAD) on Gill v. Office of Personnel

Management that challenges Section 3 of DOMA

in Federal Court May 6th

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
Support Our Vision @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:)

View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

It's A Fabulous Gay Spring Weekend...:)

Exclusive Audio Interview with Lee Swislow,
Executive Director of the Gay & Lesbian Advocates

& Defenders (GLAD) on Gill v. Office of Personnel

Management that challenges Section 3 of DOMA

in Federal Court May 6th

Get OUT & Enjoy This Cool Spring Day....
Our World is Spinning OUT of Control
So Take a Moment to Breathe in Nature....:)

Have a Fabulous Weekend!!

Exclusive audio interview with Jarrett Barrios,
President of GLAAD Speaks OUT on GLAAD Media

Awards, Prom-gate, the Catholic Church, LGBT Civil
Rights & Our LGBT Teens

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
Support Our Vision @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:)

View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Teen Expelled for Gay T-Shirt Slogan

Lady GaGa called 15-year-old Cole Goforth an "inspiration"
after the teen was sent home from Greenbrier High School in

Tennessee this week for wearing a t-shirt with the slogan

"I Love Lady Gay Gay". After hearing the news, GaGa reached

out to Cole via her personal Twitter page, where she wrote the

following messages: "Thank u for wearing your tee-shirt proud

at school, you make me so proud... You are an inspiration to us

all. I love you.”
Read More... Updates to Come…:)
Exclusive audio interview with Jarrett Barrios,
President of GLAAD Speaks OUT on GLAAD Media

Awards, Prom-gate, the Catholic Church, LGBT Civil
Rights & Our LGBT Teens

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
Support Our Vision @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:)

View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

The Pope’s Pedophile Agenda??

Exclusive audio interview with Jarrett Barrios,
President of GLAAD Speaks OUT on GLAAD Media

Awards, Prom-gate, the Catholic Church, LGBT Civil
Rights & More

Pope Benedict XVI Easter message did not answer pedophile
clergy questions. The Pope's silence on the matter is appalling.
It is crucial for the Pope to answer these questions even if it is
just to say the situation was mishandled & some form of apology
but as the Pope ignores the question of pedophile priests under
his watch this continues to just add insult to injury. How child
molestation should be addressed in the Catholic Church is simple.
You are either part of the problem or you are part of the solution.
As Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger before he became Pope Benedict XVI
he was one of the many church leaders who chose to reassign
pedophiles rather than turn them over to the police. On that basis,
the Pope is part of the problem. Updates to Come…..
Exclusive audio interview w/ Alex Lucchesi,
Co-Chair of of SpeakOUT & creating a world free

of LGBT homophobia & other forms of prejudice


Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
Support Our Vision @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:)

View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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