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Converting Gay Youth on Boston Radio??

By Charlotte Robinson, April 15, 2010
Arline Isaacson & Gary Daffin Co-Chairs of the Massachusetts
Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus inform us that a major homophobic
program is airing on Boston Radio. It's Dawson McAllister that airs
on KISS 108 every Sunday night. The show is billed as a place for
those 25 & younger to call in & talk about their lives, deepest needs,
depression, addiction, etc. What they don't tell you is that when
young LGBT's call in & speak off air to one of McAllister's reps, they're
told that their homosexuality is no better than drug addiction,
prostitution & murder; that being gay will condemn them to hell &
that the only solution is for them is to be "cured" of their
homosexuality through God. Vulnerable young callers are then
directed to Exodus International where they 'will receive the help
they need'. Exodus International is the 'Ex-Gay' ministry that claims
to convert LGBTs into being straight. Exodus' conversions are
universally discredited by mainstream psychiatrists & psychologists.
This is despicable. We need to protect our LGBT youth. Call KISS 108
& Clear Channel & demand they "clear the channel" of homophobes
poisoning the minds of LGBT youth. We deserve better. LGBT youth
deserve better. To Get Dawson McAllister Off the Air Contact:
Marc Mays, CEO ClearChannel

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