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Fines Against Mormons for Prop 8

By Charlotte Robinson, June 09, 2010
Interesting news in from the Human Rights Campaign...

The California Fair Political Practices Committee (FPPC)

has proposed a fine of The Church of Jesus Christ of

Latter-day Saints (LDS) for failing to report all of its late

non-monetary contributions in its efforts to pass Prop 8 in

California in 2008. While the recommended fine of just

more than $5,500 for the unreported late contributions

of $36,968 to the Yes on 8 campaign may seem small,

it represents a pattern of blatant disregard for California

election laws & provides ongoing evidence that the

Mormon Church was a significant leader in the campaign

to repeal marriage equality, even while it evaded standard

reporting requirements and denied its involvement.

HRC President Joe Solmonese commended the efforts

of Fred Karger of Californians Against Hate, for filing the

initial FPPC complaint that sheds light on the anti-equality

activities of the Mormon Church. Solmonese stated,

“Thanks to Fred Karger’s dogged pursuit of the truth, we

now know the Mormon Church not only violated the law

in its election work to pass Prop 8, it most likely did so

purposely. It’s just not credible that a multi-billion dollar,

sophisticated organization like the LDS Church didn’t

know or understand the election law requirements.

California requires early disclosure so voters know

who’s behind these referendum fights & clearly, the

Mormon Church worked overtime to keep their full

involvement hidden from the people of California.”

Updates to Come...:)

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Deputy Director, Boston Pride Committee, about

"RIOTS to RIGHT." Boston's Pride celebration

events have begun now through Sunday June 13th

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