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How To Pass Gay Marriage

By Charlotte Robinson, September 09, 2010
First, understand that words are important. The term “same-sex marriage” is totally wrong. This term was created by the religious right to raise red flags to the moral majority and it is working effectively against the LGBT community. Listen to the media talk about “same-sex marriage” and all you hear is sex, sex, sex. Stop using this term today. Instead use “same-gender marriage”, “gay marriage”, or “marriage equality.” Secondly, learn from states that have passed gay marriage. Go to the Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders (GLAD) website and ask questions. Also go to Massachusetts Gay and Lesbian Political Caucus (MGLPC) and learn how to keep gay marriage off the ballot in your state. These are the architects of gay marriage in this country and they have answers. Thirdly, we must be patient but that does not mean we cannot voice our disappointment and concerns. Every federal court has ruled in our favor. This is because discrimination is wrong and it is wrong to vote away the rights of a minority. It took 15 years for Massachusetts to pass gay marriage. To learn more how Massachusetts succeeded listen to Arline Isaacson, Co-Chair of MGLPC, talk about it in this exclusive audio interview: “America's Road to Gay Marriage” @ OUTTAKE VOICES™ Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
Conclusion of Exclusive Audio Interview with R. Clarke Cooper, Executive Director of the Log Cabin Republicans about the aftermath of Ken Mehlman coming out & more @ OUTTAKE VOICES™


Jarrett Barrios said...

During the trial, Judge Walker and the public heard first hand from same-gender couples about the harms Proposition 8 inflicts on so many California couples and families. It is their stories of courage and struggle that continues to build support for marriage equality. We call on our nation's media to highlight stories of the hardships faced by California couples without equal protection under the law.

Jarrett Barrios is President of The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) and was instrumental in passing gay marriage in Massachusetts where he served as State Senator.

Pam Hege said...

Great advice and right on the money.
Our community must move off of the
"sex" and "sexual identity" platform.

Earl Stroex-Carr said...

Also, another hint, is to speak with the people that have worked to make 'marriage equality' possible in other countries as well, such as Canada, Spain, the Netherlands.

NG said...

you know full well what the problem is, charlotte. it's from activists who talk a good talk and walk a good walk saying things like "we deserve full equality and we want it now"

meanwhile, when no one's looking, those very same activists are groveling at the opposition's door asking them, "if it's allright with you."

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