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"Don't Ask Don't Tell" Marches On...

By Charlotte Robinson, November 13, 2010
With it becoming less & less likely that DADT will be repealed in
the lame duck session of Congress, The United States Supreme
Court has denied Log Cabin Republicans' request to reinstate a
world-wide injunction against 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell.' As a result,
servicemembers will continue to be investigated & discharged until
Log Cabin Republicans v. USA is under appeal. Arguments are due
to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in February.
Listen to audio about DADT with GetEQUAL's Robin McGehee...

Exclusive Audio Interview with Keith Adams
about his new book "Broken Whole: A California
Tale of Craziness, Creativity & Chaos" the most
entertaining memoir of mania you’ll ever read


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Dan Woods said...

We are disappointed by the Court's ruling to deny our application to vacate the stay by the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. With the likelihood of Congress repealing 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' fading with each passing day, judicial relief continues to be perhaps the most viable avenue for ending this unconstitutional policy. We and Log Cabin Republicans will continue to fight on to protect the constitutional rights of all Americans who want to serve in our military without regard to their sexual orientation. Our next step will be to ask the Ninth Circuit to expedite the government's appeal from Judge Phillips's judgment and injunction.

Dan Woods, White & Case partner who is representing Log Cabin Republicans

R. Clarke Cooper said...

Log Cabin Republicans are disappointed that the Supreme Court decided to maintain the status quo with regards to 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell,' but we are not surprised. We are committed to pursuing every avenue in the fight against this failed and unconstitutional policy. Log Cabin will continue working to secure the votes needed for legislative repeal, and if necessary, we look forward to seeing President Obama's attorneys in court next year to prove, once again, that 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' doesn't work.

R. Clarke Cooper, Executive Director of Log Cabin Republicans

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