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Gay Marriage Goes to Court of Appeals

By Charlotte Robinson, December 06, 2010
Breaking News: Prop 8 Update...
Today a three-judge panel at the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
heard oral arguments about U.S. District Chief Judge Vaughn
Walker ruling which found Prop 8 unconstitutional. After a ruling
the case could also be appealed again to a wider set of 9th Circuit
judges or directly to the Supreme Court. In Massachusetts where
gay marriage has been legal since 2004 two cases are also working
their way through appeal on whether the Defense of Marriage Act
(DOMA) is unconstitutional because it prevents married gay couples
from receiving federal benefits. Gay marriage is now legal in five
states & the District of Columbia. C-SPAN will carry today’s argument
live on its C-SPAN 1 channel. Coverage begins at 10 a.m. Pacific time
& is expected to conclude at approximately 12:30 p.m.
BTW, Elton John will perform a private concert in Beverly Hills,
California on January 19th to raise money for the ongoing federal
lawsuit against Proposition 8. Updates to Come….:)
Exclusive Audio Interview with Tris Reid-Smith
Editor-in-Chief, Pink Paper & the Gay Times in

London, UK. In the UK gays & lesbians have openly

served in the military since 2000. We talked about

this & more
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1 comment:

David Boies said...

Proposition 8 violates due process because marriage is a fundamental right of all citizens that has been stripped away from gay people. And the law violates equal protection guarantees because it singled out one class of persons and has taken away a constitutional right from only that class.

David Boies is co-lead counsel of the legal team challenging Prop 8 along with prominent attorney, Ted Olson

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