put gays & lesbians back on a list of vulnerable minorities who
should be protected from unjustified killings following a major
US-led diplomatic campaign. Last month a mainly Arab &
African-led move had killings over "sexual orientation" taken
off a list of people unfairly targeted, when an biannual resolution
was discussed by a UN rights committee. The US government
said it was "incensed" & launched a major campaign with
European & other nations to get "sexual orientation" killings
put back on the blacklist when the vote came before the full
UN General Assembly.

Stu Maddux new film Gen Silent addressing
discrimination against LGBT Seniors

1 comment:
The United Nations General Assembly has sent a clear and resounding message that justice and human rights apply to all individuals regardless of their sexual orientation. The voices of civil society and human rights defenders around the world have been heard today, and for that my delegation is especially proud.
Susan Rice US Ambassador
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