The State of The Union Missed the Target for Gay Marriage....The big question for our LGBT community is will Obama address
gay civil rights in The State of the Union speech tonight?
Passing “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” was definitely the game-changer
but until we get rid of the “Defense of Marriage Act” (DOMA) &
pass the Employment Nondiscrimination Act (ENDA) our LGBT
community remains as second-class citizens in this country. Here
in Massachusetts we have gay marriage but are denied over 1100
federal rights & protections including the ability to file joint tax
returns, take advantage of estate tax breaks & receive spousal
benefits offered by Social Security, such as survivor compensation
for legally married gay couples. The Gay & Lesbian Advocates &
Defenders (GLAD) challenged Section 3 of DOMA which addresses
these rights & it was found unconstitutional in federal court by
Judge Tauro. Unfortunately the Obama Administration is
appealing this decision.
At the State of the Union Address Obama will be introducing
Daniel Hernandez Jr., the openly gay intern credited with saving
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords’s life. This would be a perfect opportunity
for the President to declare that Mr. Hernandez & all lesbian, gay,
bisexual & transgender Americans should have the same rights &
federal protections as heterosexual citizens. Watch & see if Obama
takes advantage of this moment during The State of the Union
Address on Tuesday January 25 @ 9pm EST. Updates to Come..:)

Exclusive Audio Interview with Amy Sueyoshi,
co-chair of the Board of Directors of GLBT Historical
Society & co-curator of the new GLBT History
Museum in San Francisco @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
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View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage